Internet Marketing -How to properly build scope into your price – 1

Mark Wickersham (UK):
The Value Pricing System
How to properly build scope into your
price so you never make a loss!

One of the key characteristics of value
pricing is that normally – not always,
but most of the time – we are giving a
fixed price upfront.

We have to make sure we properly scope
the work.

We need to understand what is
needed, what work is required so that
we can give that proper fixed value
based price.

We come up with scope partly from
experience. Sometimes we will get it wrong.

Occasionally, you will give somebody a
fixed price for a piece of work, do the
work and something unexpected crops up.

We just have to learn from that. 

Make sure you have a system in place
for coming up with a price and make
changes if something unexpected comes
To be continued…..
Those links again:
The Value Pricing System

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