Internet Marketing – It’s John’s Quitiversary

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
was promoted with trial period.It is now an evergreen offer.
(I have been just renewed my membershipfor the next 5 years!)

I don’t even know if Quitiversary
is a word, but I like how it sounds 🙂

13 years ago today, (June 3rd 2006)
I walked out of the car plant that
I had been working in for many
years to go it alone and run my own
online business.

I’d had enough doing what most
people think is normal and I wanted

No longer would I be a human robot,
getting told when to eat, when to
sleep, when to go on vacation, even
when to go to the toilet. (seriously)

Was it scary? Yes, it was, I was on
my own, I no longer had a job to
rely on for income, but I had one
thing most people don’t have.


I now live a life where I call the
shots. If I want to take a day off
I can as I am my own boss.

If you’re currently doing a job you
hate then there is a way out, the
internet has provided so many
opportunities that anyone with a
little bit of ambition and
determination can do this.

Don’t let anyone tell you that it
can’t be done as I am living proof.
I am no one special, have no
special qualifications or
abilities. I was just determined to
change my life and do what it takes
to make it happen.

I have also helped many others
achieve financial freedom by
passing on my knowledge.
Remember, this is special link to get
in for just $1.

Step by Step.Upgrade your life and income!

Alternatively, you can go straight to
the free webinar:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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