Internet Marketing – Making your first video – 1

Sheryl Bernstein Coaching ©2019

If you’d like to create your own
videos, but think you can’t because you
don’t have the right equipment, aren’t
‘ready’, or think you have to be all
different than just ‘you’….I’m here
to tell you

1. you are ready

2. you are enough

3. you can absolutely shoot your own
great videos
with just the tools and equipment you
already have.

A smart phone, something to prop it on,
a lamp, a room… get the picture.

But there are a few things to know that
will help you look like a pro,
to create and shoot videos that are
pleasing to watch and give your
viewers the feeling and message that
you intend.

I’ve learned a lot from my years of
being an actress and performer,
and shooting my own videos.

A lot of trial and error.

Lots of little things that I just know
to do now.

And I am sharing those with you here.

So, here are 10 simple tips to know,
before you video,
that will help you save time and
and look like the pro you are.

To be continued…

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