Internet Marketing – Optimal Pricing – 2!

Mark Wickersham:

The Value Pricing System

Are you working crazy long hours and
making very little money?

You’re not alone.

Optimal Pricing Works Like This…

The price for anything falls somewhere
between your costs and the value to the

But it’s not quite as simple as that
because you want to make a profit,
therefore you wouldn’t price it at the
same level of the costs, you’d price
above that to allow for a profit

This price is called the seller’s
reservation price.

It’s the minimum
amount of money the seller is willing
to accept for their services.

The customer will also have a buyer’s
reservation price.
This is the maximum
amount they are willing to pay for your

Your price can’t exceed the value
otherwise the client won’t make a
profit on the deal.

They need to 

perceive the value as

higher than the price.
Your price has to fall between those
two points.

To be continued….
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System

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One Big Thing Promoting

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Please make time to watch this!

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