Internet Marketing – Reasons Most Fail -1

Eric Louviere:
90% to 98% of those who want to earn
online fail because of many of these

1. They have not picked a niche market
or problem to solve (they are not
focused on solving ONE problem).

2. They are too focused on themselves,
instead of focusing on solving a
problem for their market (target

3. They are too caught up in their own
stuff to focus on THEIR stuff and
helping them (the customers).

To be continued…..


John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program:
John is the master of digital product creation

(see webinar below).
His new program supplies the products and

a whole system to create your

profit-earning online marketing business. 

Q. So what do I need to do to make this

A. You need an Auto Responder account
and a ClickBank account. Simple.

Q. How much work is involved? A. You
need to spend about 30 minutes setting
this up (John shows you how step by
step) and drive some traffic. He shows
you how to drive traffic as well.

Check out this page below where
you can see the recording from the
webinar presentation and find out more:

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