Internet Marketing – Simple Ways to Raise Cash Fast Online! -5

Aaron Danker:
When You Need Cash Fast…
You need cash… fast. And the more time
that goes by, the more you feel the

The more pressure you feel, the harder
it is for you to think straight and
come up with a reasonable plan toraise the cash you need.

That’s where this report comes in. I’ve
done all the thinking for you and have
come up
with proven ways to make fast money
– at least $100 and usually more.All you have to do is take a deep
breath and read on to discover:

• How to make money when you don’t even
have a list or product!

• How to make money with your vacation

• How you can turn living near a
University into cash in your

• How to make quick cash in just an
hour or so selling something
you already have in your possession…
but you’ll never miss it — guaranteed!

Plus many other fast ways to raise cash
online! Let’s get to it…
Some of these tactics require a little
knowledge. Some of them require certain

But some of them just require a
computer, an Internet connection and
the desire to make money fast…

#9: Get a Little Help From Your Friends

If you’ve spent any time in your chosen
niche, then chances are you’ve
developed a few friendships along the way.

you’ve networked on social media sites,
commented on blogs, or developed a good
reputation on niche forums.

Whatever the case might be, now is thetime for you
to “cash in” on those friendships.

How? By asking your business
associates, friends and acquaintances
to join you in a joint venture.

In order to make money fast, you
obviously need a product to make this
You can create an information product

(like an ebook, audio recording or video)
fairly fast
– in some cases, you may be able to
create something in as little as a few
hours or a day or two.

Then you can write a sales letter,set up payment buttons and affiliate
program through, and ask
your partners to promote immediately.

If you’re unable to create the product
yourself, you have two options…

One way is to outsource it to a
competent freelancer.

A second idea is to ask your JV
partners to help you create the

For example, you can conduct a
series with your partners serving as a
panel of experts.

Not only will you make money
charging a fee to attend the live
teleseminar, but you’ll also have the
recordings and
transcripts to sell later as a product!

#10: Get Instant Traffic and Sales
Maybe you haven’t yet developed a lot
of relationships and the idea of
emailing people
you don’t know to ask for a joint
venture doesn’t appeal to you.

No problem. If you
have a product (or rights to a product)
you can still make fast sales – namely,
by using Google AdWords oranother pay per click search engine.

Here are a few tips:
• Use as narrow as search words as
possible. The more sure you are
of what a searcher is actually looking
for, the higher your conversion rate.

• Don’t just send people to a sales
page – see if you can get them
on a mailing list first.

• Before you set up a campaign, run a
search for pay per click
(PPC) coupons – sometimes you can get
$25 or even $50 in clicks free.

Finally, one note: This fundraiser
works best for those who have some
familiarity with pay per click marketing.

If you’re unsure of your skills, then seek out
the free PPC credits.

To be continued…….

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