Internet Marketing – Something incredible going on in the accounting profession! -3

Power of Price Psychology
We don’t know the price of anything!
That’s been proven in a branch of
science that’s been around for over 100
It’s what much of price
psychology is built on.
When you use the right price
psychological techniques you will find
your customers happily pay you much
more money; very often at least DOUBLE
and sometimes much more than that!
In this video training programme I will
share with you dozens of strategies you
can implement within your pricing
straight away.
You will see immediate
results and higher profits.  
Here are
some of the things we will cover:
Without contrast everything sounds
expensive; why the contrast principle
is the single most powerful technique
and you must use it every single time,
How to change the context in which you
are selling and immediately increase
the amount your customers are willing
to pay,
In case you missed this:
How to build a successful bookkeeping
business (also for accountants in practice!)
Research shows that very soon 95% of
what bookkeepers do will be automated.
Technology is replacing the bookkeeper.
That’s scary!
It’s also a big opportunity for the
forward-thinking bookkeeper.
But to grasp that opportunity
two things must happen:
1.     You have to add more value to
clients than ever before, and
2.     It is more critical than ever
before to change our pricing models.
This is what you will learn in this
Part One – Your profit formula
What really drives your profit? – In
this chapter, I’ll explain the 4 main
drivers of profit and which of them you
should focus on
.  Curiously almost
every bookkeeping business focuses on
the wrong drivers.
Marketing Strategy – What is your
marketing strategy?  If you don’t have
one I break it down into 3 simple steps
giving you the clarity you need to grow
your business profitably.
Pricing Strategy – There are 3
different strategies available.  One is
difficult to achieve, one is easy and
the third is very bad.
Most bookkeeping businesses pursue
the third strategy……
In case you missed this:
Price accounting and consulting
services more profitably!
I was online the other day with
Mark Wickersham.
He’s a UK Chartered
Accountant and the author of the
Amazon #1 selling book,
“Effective Pricing for Accountants.”
Mark invited me to join his monthly
mentoring programme.  This is a group
of accountants (UK and others) he works
with every month.
It’s online and they
join him for 90 minutes.
In each session, he teaches how to
price accounting services more profitably.
And this is what I found so incredible…
Group members were sharing
some of the results they were getting
from Mark’s teaching.
They were all getting better prices.  
Some of them by 20- 30%.  
Some were sharing how they
had doubled their prices with some
Yes that’s right…
Here’s the reason I’m sharing this…
I know you want to make more profit and
earn more money.
I’m now convinced that changing the way
you price is the best way to do that.  
And what Mark is teaching is the
most effective way of doing that.
If you want to make this year your most
profitable year so far I recommend you
click here to find out more:
And since you can cancel any time you
like – you are not committed to any
particular length of time –
I recommend
you join the programme to see for
(you can always cancel after
the first month if it’s not for you).
The monthly mentoring sessions are
recorded – so if anyone attends either
of those they will receive a follow up
email after the session with a link to
the recording.  
You will still receive the recording
after the sessions have
taken place, so you won’t miss it even
if you are not able to attend live
In case you missed this:
To progress on your own, a mentor is
strongly advised to guide you through
business set-up.
Mine is John Thornhill:.
How I Hit $1 Million on JVZoo
Here’s the link you need.
Here is a page of information
about John Thornhill’s
invite-only webinar
and the link to watch it.
and watch the webinar
View John Thornhill’s
4 FREE videos, one every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  
John Thornhill’s
Product Creation Workshop
Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
of products from nothing over
eight one-hour videos .
It complements his longer one-year
course, adding more than enough
value for me to buy both courses
It is currently at 90% discount.
I have assembled a $1,750 bonus
package for you if you buy 
You can either start with a
service, or do it yourself.
Please have a look at 
the following webinars to see the experts:
If you want a low-cost start to IM,
this is the place to start:
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
‘done-for-you’ service that you can
join for $1, though you have to
contribute the traffic.
Web Copy Cat
Click here NOW:
Dean Holland
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):

My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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