Internet Marketing – This is one I will NOT be buying! – 2

I received a lead from a trusted IM
to consider promoting this product.
I will NOT buy it, nor recommend it. 
The sales page has a lot of videos from
happy customers,
but little information about how it works,
how it will make you and me money and
the inputs we will need to make to do so
I searched for ‘review Finish Line Network’.
I ignored those offering bonuses, as
they will
tell me nothing except ‘BUY,BUY, BUY!)
I found the review below. I do not know
the author, but the review tells me that this
business is about recruiting more
affiliates to earn commissions.
There appears to be no product,
nor service to sell.
You are (of course!) welcome to find
other reviews
and make your own business decision.
I recommend that you read the review:
1. to consider the points raised by the
2. to raise issues for future IM
products and
services that you are considering. review of Finish Line
Network (continued):
When you visit the website itself,
you’ll be faced with nothing more than
a page that asks you for your email
After providing this, you’ll
get a confirmation email to confirm
that the email you entered is correct.
This confirmation email comes from
“team(at)”, and if
you try visitng that domain, you’ll be
redirected to the Traffic Authority
Traffic Authority first popped up back
in 2015, and to put things simply, it
was nothing more than a pyramid
scheme that was trying to reboot
Infinite Leverage System.
The Traffic Authority website saw a
small uptick this April, but shortly
after that, traffic declined quite
In fact, traffic to its website was at
a flatline through most of all 2017.
Based on all that info, it’s safe to
say that Finish Line Network is just a
reboot of the already-failed Traffic
Authority opportunity.
Looking at the product line for Finish
Line Network, you won’t find much of
anything here.
No goods or services are being sold to
retail customers, and because of this,
it’s impossible for there to be any
amount of retail sales activity.
The only thing affiliates have to offer
is the affiliate membership itself, and
along with providing access to the
income opportunity, also gives members
the option to purchase a variety of
expensive marketing courses.
As an affiliate for Finish Line
Network, your time will be spent
convincing other people to join the
company and pay for the optional
packages that are being sold.
The affiliate membership itself starts
at $20/month, and from there, the
packages range in price from
$130/month to $2997.
Direct and residual commissions are
offered for recruiting people and
getting them to pay for these plans,
but before you can earn anything, you
need to first qualify for the
commissions at hand.
You can do this by buying one of the
plans for yourself, or alternatively,
sell six of each of the four plans to
other members.
Finish Line Network requires a base fee
of $20/month
. From there, you’ll likely
want to purchase one of the plans being
offered in order to self-qualify for
the commissions.
If you have heard that Finish Line
Network is a scam, then you’ve come to
the right place to find out the truth.
What’s the truth – is Finish Line
Network a scam?
I would say not exactly. However, there
are some things to be aware of before
joining, which I have detailed in the
You will only be successful by
recognizing the weaknesses and finding
a way to move past them.
At the end of the day, Finish Line
Network is nothing more than another
pyramid scheme that’ll be here today
and gone tomorrow.
Once recruitment activity stops, the
admins will gather up their earnings,
make off with them, and leave everyone
else to lose out.
That’s how most all pyramid schemes go,
and Finish Line Network won’t be any
In case you missed this:
I have a request :
Please make time to view this
free webinar from my mentor,
John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

We have been recently reviewing the

Easiest System Ever and its demo:

This is a done-for-you system to save
you time in setting up your business.
In contrast,

Product Creation Workshop

is a more hands-on system, helping you
build your business with your own products.
You will see that you need to do this to
have a more competitive IM business.
This webinar provides a comprehensive
view of the IM business from a master
This is the path I am taking
to build my IM business. I want you to
see it, even if you prefer the
done-for-you approach.
I have invested in both.
Which is your best path to IM success?

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

(More of Mark!)

Better pricing = higher profits 
If you have a service business, you can
earn much more from this series.
Also, Mark runs a programme called
Price Consulting, and he teaches
accountants/bookkeepers how to help
their customers with their pricing. 
Thank you for the positive response to
posts on this topic and the action taken.
Please tell your friends!
Those links again:
Effective Pricing for Accountants (book)
The complete guide to menu pricing – NEW!
(video training programme)
How to build a successful bookkeeping
business (book)
How to build a successful bookkeeping
business (video training programme)
Grab them NOW and claim the true income
that you earn!
Price accounting and consulting
services more profitably!
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):


Use mine free as often as you want!
Over 53% of ALL emails are now opened
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are not optimized for mobile devices,
then you’re missing out
BIG TIME and at
WordWrap is a wonderfully-simple FREE
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so that your emails can be viewed on
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If you would like your very own
BRANDABLE version of this tool, with
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on the page:
Use mine free as often as you want!


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