Internet Marketing – Why reviews matter

I am NOT recommending the product mentioned 
You earn your money. Before spending it onIM products, search the net for reviews.  
Just type ‘review’ + the name of the product,or the name,of the seller.
Last night, I watched a professional, 90 minutewebinar on producing membership sites.
I learned a lot. The income claims were veryhigh, but logical. I was presented with a choice:do it myself, or buy the service offered.
The price offered was $1,500, which is not within my current budget.
I searched for an independent review. I searched by the seller’s name.
Among the reviews were some written by affiliates of the seller: if they offered bonuses,they were not going to be unbiased.
(You may have to go to the third page of reviews to find an independent one.)
Here is part of a review I found (excluding the benefits):
‘Like any other training program, the
X System isn’t without its
downsides so here are few things you
need to be aware of before diving all
1 – One of the techniques Bill
recommends for creating content is to
use resell rights, in other words, PLR
These are basically a bunch
of articles/books written by other
people but can be used to market under
your brand name.
PLR is very popular in the past and
still is, but using it word for word
can jeopardize your reputation as a
What if other people ordered
the same package and republished the
You’ll run into the issue of
duplication and although the audience
might not be aware, the search engines
will find out about it sooner or later.
Nowadays, PLR is used with modification
so even when it is bought as a
ready-made product, it’s highly
encouraged to tweak it in order to make
the content ‘sound more original’ or at
least give the impression that it was
created by you.
It’s a bit of a sneaky method if you
asked me and if you are truly
knowledgeable, your time is better
invested in something that is creative
and genuine.
I am sure the audience can
read between the lines and people might
be upset when they found out you are
using generic information to get them
into a membership site. That’s so not
cool, right?
2 – Creating a membership site that
aims to be profitable for the long run
can take a lot of planning time, 6 to
12 months or maybe more.
It’s not like
you’ll be earning a passive income by
just completing the 6 weeks course. We
are talking about the long haul here so
preferably so it’s best to run it with
a team rather than all by yourself.
3 – Since it’s a fairly new program,
there’s nothing much going on in the
forum area for now.
You’ll see some
discussions, but it wouldn’t be as
engaging as what you would experience
with this robust online community. 
4 – Needless to say, this is a pricey
program, to begin with and there are
also additional monthly fees from other
services to maintain the business. The
overall expenses can be out of most
people’s budgets.
The way I look at it, courses and
bonuses may be beneficial in the first
few months, but such training can also
be obtained elsewhere at a lower fee –
if you care to search.
Therefore, Bill
needs to include something more
valuable within the membership to
justify the entire cost.
5 – As for the lucrative commission, I
have my doubts about the sales of the
Although I may not have access
to any data, the Clickbank gravity
score on the merchant page is only XX
(yes, this is another Clickbank
That’s probably one of the lowest I’ve
seen so far and it makes me wonder if
the program is really as attractive as
it seems?
Was it too expensive or just
a general lack of positive testimonials
from the users?
That type of statistic makes me think
twice about joining their affiliate

Reviewer’s Verdict

Overall, the idea of profiting from a
membership site, either as the product
owner or an affiliate, is a good one.

With more people seeking for digital
information and online interaction, the
trend for this type of business model
is going to be popular due to the
potential of recurring revenue, either
on a monthly or yearly basis.   

In terms of the program, Bill seems
like a legit and knowledgeable guy. His
content feels original, he doesn’t over
promote and most importantly, the
training can be applied to any niche
that leverage education as a solution
to people’s problems and needs.

However, just like any business, it
will take time especially if you never
have any experience with digital
product creation.

The investment is
going to be hefty and so is the amount
of work – that’s a given fact.

If you want to take your expertise to a
new level, building a membership site
is something to consider.
However, if you prefer something

less costly but still present the

same amount of opportunity,affiliate marketing is a
better alternative
to start an online
You can focus more on the marketing
aspect and earn faster with sales
So, this review helped me make my decision

that my IM path will not be taking me through

major membership sites as a priority.  
If that changes, I will need to research alternatives to see if there is better value for money.

Reading reviews takes time, but saves money!

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