Internet Marketing -Why you must have an upselling system – 1

Mark Wickersham (UK):
The Value Pricing System
(Also, essential for Internet Marketing)
When someone buys from you they are in
buying mode. They want to purchase.
Which means they are also at the most
receptive stage to buying more from

So how can you maximize the opportunity
for upsell?
You need a system in place, that’s how.

What is an upsell?

Upselling involves selling something
extra to your customer. It’s something
that’s evident in all sorts of

In the car or consumer
technology industry it could be
extended warranties for example.

And generally it’s particularly powerful in
high value transactions.
You need to find something else that
you can upsell to your customers.

if you are selling annual bookkeeping
at £5,000 for example you will want to
add in something extra for a price such
as £100.

When people are already in buying mode
and you offer an additional, smaller
purchase like this they think they are
already spending £5,000 so what’s
another £100. And so they add it on.

To be continued…

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