Is LinkedIn Enough?

LinkedIn is the best professional network and
basic membership is FREE.
Access has been  blocked in Russia since
November 2016, so I have not viewed
updates, nor messages since then.
You should have your cv (resume) on LinkedIn
to confirm your credibility and to hopefully make
useful contacts
If your day job is very different from IM, I would
only detail your day job on the site, rather than
confuse readers.
Keep your IM details for your site.
As much detail as possible should be on your
profile. The only problem is the basic profile
is quite narrow, leaving a long scroll to the end.
When somebody connects with you,
send them a brief note and a
connection to a piece of your work,
or somebody else’s that you recommend.
You will be remembered for having done this.
(I send them links to my IFRS books.)
Not only academics need to have publications,
so should consultants and a range of other
professions. They give you a competitive edge
in employment and winning contracts
You are the expert. Your publications show this.
The publications can be presentations
you have made,text, slides and/or video.
I think you can publish them
in a file, on LinkedIn. If not, you can provide a link.
If you have not published anything,
go to your school and university files
and publish some of that work,
subject to updates and copyright restrictions.
My day-job students produce
some excellent work for tests, exams and
dissertations/theses.  I have
edited and published 4 books of their essays,

which would otherwise be buried in the archives.
I am sure that some of  your academic work
deserves a larger audience.
The work can be short.
Three interesting pages are better
than an aimless, 90 page dissertation.
Is LinkedIn Enough?
To have a competitive edge in business,
LinkedIn is the start. Its limitation is its
layout being fixed.
You are special. You need your own
professional website to display
your skills and experience to your
future employers, buyers
and collaborators.
To be continued……
From yesterday, if you missed it:
All mentors will tell you to start a
blog, even Dean Holland said that writing a
blog turned his business (and finances)
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here:
While you still have the day job, I suggest 
that you decide whether your site will
be for IM, or for your day job.
When you have gained confidence with
the first one, download a second
View John Thornhill, my mentor ‘s
FREE webinar
CLICK here:
This will help YOU understand IM and to
build a profitable business you control!
You can view his 4 FREE videos, one
every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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