Internet Marketing – Something incredible going on in the accounting profession! -3
Power of Price Psychology https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/1878/wWVxKzFL We don’t know the price of anything! That’s been proven in a branch of science that’s been around for over 100 years. It’s what much of price psychology is built on. When you use the right price psychological techniques you will find your customers happily pay you much more money;…
Internet Marketing – Something incredible going on in the accounting profession! -2
How to build a successful bookkeeping business (also for accountants in practice!) https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/8025/wWVxKzFL (Book) https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/2009/wWVxKzFL (Video) Research shows that very soon 95% of what bookkeepers do will be automated. Technology is replacing the bookkeeper. That’s scary! It’s also a big opportunity for the forward-thinking bookkeeper. But to grasp that opportunity two things must happen: 1. …
Internet Marketing – Something incredible going on in the accounting profession! -1
Price accounting and consulting services more profitably! https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/7831/wWVxKzFL I was online the other day with Mark Wickersham. He’s a UK Chartered Accountant and the author of the Amazon #1 selling book, “Effective Pricing for Accountants.” Mark invited me to join his monthly mentoring programme. This is a group of accountants (UK and others) he works with every month.…
Internet Marketing – Affiliate Marketing Mistakes! -2
Aaron Danker (UK): There are super affiliates who are making tens of thousands of dollars every single month but most affiliate marketers simply fail badly and do not even make a single cent. Affiliate marketing mistakes include: * Hard selling instead of pre-selling * Lack of branding * Not offering a complementary bonus * Not doing…
Internet Marketing –Value Pricing – Earn more from the same work! -1
Many of my readers, possibly including you, provide services such as accountants, lawyers and consultants. This will also be of interest to those providing personal, medical or mentoring services. Most charge by the time used. Also, most are not securing the income that they should. I am preparing some emails for you about a better…
Internet Marketing –Last chance. Best business-in-a-box ever…!
This is it. The special launch pricing for Viking Video Marketing PLR ends any minute. USE CODE “V20” TO GET 20% OFF PLUS AN EXTRA VIKING PLR PACK! 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1! You’ll want to grab this massive package of brand new, super high quality private label content asap. Click here to grab it…
Internet Marketing –acquire a valuable business asset, without the cost of developing it yourself!
So it’s 2018. You’ve seen just about every type of PLR out there. Bad PLR. Old PLR. Ugly PLR. Okay PLR. And maybe even some PLR that was pretty good. But at the end of the day, most of the PLR materials floating around out there are either outdated, ugly, badly- written or all three.…
Internet Marketing –The #1 way to grow your online business…!
You know the quickest way to grow an online business? Check it out before the price moves: https://jvz5.com/c/593801/294530 It’s not building a list of freebie seekers and scraping by a living with affiliate commissions. It’s not by setting up a review blog and hoping for a smidgen of traffic. Both of those are perfectly fine…
Internet Marketing –Best training offer, act NOW!
PLR is a product/service that you can resell and take 100% of the profits for yourself. You can leave it as it is, or rebrand it to appear as your own design. You can use it for training yourself as well. https://jvz5.com/c/593801/294530 Steven’s story is remarkable and on the sales page: https://jvz5.com/c/593801/294530 I rarely promote PLR, but…
Internet Marketing –Steven Alvey – PLR -1
PLR is a product/service that you can resell and take 100% of the profits for yourself. You can leave it as it is, or rebrand it to appear as your own design. You can use it for training yourself as well. https://jvz5.com/c/593801/294530 Steven has risen like a rocket through IM in less than 2 years, making his clients,…