Internet Marketing – Save more than $56 million! -3
Fine for Google of almost $57 million for violating the General Data Protection Regulation. If only it had gone to Randy Smith first, this might have been avoided! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/314912 Randy: Check out everything GDPRmySite does: Works on every website This was built to work in all existing apps, sales pages and more….regardless of if they…
Internet Marketing – Save more than $56 million! -2
Fine for Google of almost $57 million for violating the General Data Protection Regulation. If only it had gone to Randy Smith first, this might have been avoided! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/314912 Randy: Like you and I, the creators company needed to get GDPR compliant so his team got busy creating an easy to use app that will…
Internet Marketing – Save more than $56 million!
Fine for Google of almost $57 million for violating the General Data Protection Regulation. If only it had gone to Randy Smith first, this might have been avoided! https://jvz7.com/c/593801/314912 Unless you’ve been offline for the last few months, the chances are you’ve heard of something coming from the European Union (EU) called GDPR. GDPR stands…
Internet Marketing – What is the I in FIGS? -2
The I in FIGS is a bluff from the seller and is more abstract than the other letters. The seller wants to sell the product, of course, but does not want to appear desperate, or cede more discounts or bonuses. The I in FIGS is INDIFFERENCE. Testimonials (recommendations) are a very strong persuasion tool (if the viewer…
Internet Marketing – What is the I in FIGS? -1
The I in FIGS is a bluff from the seller and is more abstract than the other letters. The seller wants to sell the product, of course, but does not want to appear desperate, or cede more discounts or bonuses. The I in FIGS is INDIFFERENCE. Omar and Melinda Martin cover FIGS in depth in their IM Clinic…
Internet Marketing – Accelerated learning
Accelerated learning I came to IM through my long interest in accelerated learning techniques. ‘Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make’ has been very true for me. I use a number of techniques in my training courses and in my day job: teaching. Learning IM and being based in Russia have dramatically increased…
Internet Marketing – Boom – Another Income Stream Created in Minutes!
John Thornhill (UK): http://profmoscow.cbsupersta.hop.clickbank.net How many platforms are there where you can spend about 30 minutes adding a product, and once you are done it’s in front of millions of potential affiliates that can generate revenue for years to come?Yes, there is a marketplace out there that pays me without fail every single week and has…
Internet Marketing – When Grandpa knows best…
http://profmoscow.cbsupersta.hop.clickbank.net Randy Smithl (UK): John Thornhill might not like me calling him a Grandpa?But he is in TWO Ways! 1- He actually is (the sons he quit work to spend more time with and started making money online back in the early 2000s, to watch them grow, have grown, and John is now a grandpa!) 2…
Internet Marketing – Diversify and Comply or Your Business May Die
http://profmoscow.cbsupersta.hop.clickbank.net John Thornhill (UK): Well, that sounded poetic… BUT ALSO pretty drastic, and to be honest I don’t know where our industry is heading in 2019. One thing I do know is we should all be spreading our business across as many different payment platforms as possible, so if the ban hammer does strike we…
Internet Marketing – Jurassic Marketing… Return of the Dino’s
Randy Smith (UK): No, it’s not the latest ‘technique’ in marketing… It’s the RETURN of the Dinosaurs – The Big Beasts who Dominated the world of IM for many many years. Until the modern era demanded INSTANT payments! Listen, I don’t even know if you’ve heard of ClickBank? If not – They were and still are one…