Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-6

Aaron Danker:
6. Use a Strong Call To Action

The good copywriting rules apply to your
upsell just as they do to your main

And that means you can’t just
drop the order link in front of your
prospects and expect them to click it.

Instead, you need to provide a strong
call to action.

This means you tell
prospects what to do next, and give
them a good reason to do it.

For example:

Click here to add this app to
your order –and remember, this special
offer disappears when you leave this
page, so order now!

Generally, your
upsell page is going to have two
options. One option is “Yes, add this
to my order.” The other option is, “No
thank you, I don’t want this.

”Those should be the only two options
on the page.

Prospects will either add to
their order and continue making the
purchase, or they’ll skip your offer
and just stick with their original

Now here’s a little trick you
might consider testing and
using…Phrase your “yes” and “no”
options in a way that helps persuade
people to click the “yes” options.

For example, let’s suppose you’re
selling some sort of
weight-loss information.

Your option
buttons might look like this:

“Yes, I want to get ready for the beach!”“

No, I don’t want to get rid of my love

”See how that works?

The “yes”
option is positive and provides a benefit.

The “no” option forces the
prospect to agree with something that
they probably don’t really agree with.

That’s going to make them stop and
reconsider your offer.

Here’s another example:

“Yes, I want to save money on
heating and cooling bills!”

“No, I don’t want to save money.”

I want to boost my conversion rates and
make more money!”

“No, I don’t want to
make more money.”

One more…“Yes, I
want to run a new marathon PR!”

“No, I don’t mind running as slow as a turtle.

To be continued…

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