PLR Monster – FAQ!

You may have a few questions regarding
PLR Monster and what you get or what
you can do with the product.
So to give you a little more info, I’ve
compiled a list of the most common
questions below fresh from the guys at
PLR Monster:

Q – Can I convert these to articles or
split the PLR up?

A – Yes, this is a great way to
maximize your PLR to take a different
approach to creating multiple streams
on income.

Q – Is it possible to create an audio?

A –  Yes we recommend creating audio
and video. Once again to maximize
profits and use your PLR in an
alternative way.

Q – Can I use this for blog articles?

A – Of course, this is a tried and
tested method.

Q – Can I create a news letter?

A – The PLR can be split and drip fed
to create a super cool news letter

Q – Do I get to keep 100% of the

A – Of course the PLR is yours to sell
and keep all earnings.

Q – Can I use the PLR in my members

A – Yes as resale rights material not
the raw PLR it must be converted.

Q – Do you supply everything I need to

A – Yes, including sales material,
squeeze pages, emails, graphics PSD’s
etc etc.

Q – Is this package really valued at

A – Yes, it costs the guys around $1000
per package to create
So there you have it. I hope you found
this Q&A informative.

So what are you waiting for? You can
setup a new income stream today, get
started below:

Let me know if you have any more questions 

and I’ll get right back to you.

Thanks for reading,

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