Practical, step-by-step plans that anyone can follow

Dear {!firstname_fix}, KEEP SAFE AND WELL!
Quick & Easy Course Creation

Cindy Bidar:
Have you ever been excited to take a
new course only to find that while the
material was good, you just couldn’t
turn that information into action steps
in your own business?
It’s not the course creator’s fault
(and it’s certainly not yours), that’s
just too often the nature of online

They’re heavy in strategy, but
not so much in the nitty-gritty, how-to
action plans that we can really use. 

That’s what I love so much about Cindy
Bidar’s courses.

She fills them with
practical, step-by-step plans that
anyone can follow:

Quick & Easy Course Creation.
Promo code EASYCOURSES saves $ 60 until
Sunday, February 21

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