Simple Hacks for Creating Content People Love to Read -2

Aaron Danker:

Learn What the Pros Do to Create
Content that Produces Raving Fans!
4. Provide Examples

Sometimes information just goes over
your readers’ heads.

You can help
clarify concepts by providing specific

This not only helps engage
readers, it also helps them move
towards taking action since they now
have a clear example of what to do.

5. Compile Lists

People love lists.

That’s why even
comedians tap into “top ten” lists. You
too can keep your readers engaged by
sharing lists.

For example:
 Top Five Ways to Lose Weight
 The 27 Best Marketing Blogs on the
 101 Car-Restoration Tips Every
Enthusiast Ought to Know


6. Take Screenshots

Are you explaining how to use software,
taking a tour or a website, or even
reviewing an online product?

Then take screenshots.

They provide visual
interest to your content and keep
readers’ attention.

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