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Cindy Bidar: 

There are so many things pulling at
your attention when you run a small

Technical issues that must be fixed
(and usually by you).

Bookkeeping tasks that never seem to
end (and again, are on your desk).

Shiny objects that promise to be the
key to your success (but rarely are). 

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of
being busy all the time, but if you’re
not intentional about it, all that busy
can translate into not very much profit
to show for it. 

That’s why you’ll often hear the advice
to “do the money tasks first.” Which,
on the surface, sounds great.

The only question is, what exactly ARE those
money tasks? 

Cindy Bidar faced the same problem in
her business, so she devised a

She calls it The Daily Money
Makers Toolkit, and it’s a collection
of ideas any online business owner can
use to ensure they’re doing the most
important work every day. 

The Daily Money Makers Toolkit

Release coupon: Promo code DAILY saves
until Tuesday, January 26. 

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