Want to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? – 3

Christine Parma: 

Did you know that, on average, people
are buying and spending more money on
Pinterest than any other platform?  

Almost twice as much as Facebook.  

Yes, it’s true. Pinterest ads (known as “promoted
pins”) have incredible conversion and
buy rates.  And with the captivated, loyal audience
that uses Pinterest more than any other
social platform, it’s not hard to see why. 

I have personally spent over $ 10K on
ads on both platforms, and can say that
the Facebook ads (managed by a $ 5K /
month FB ads expert) have been far MORE
expensive and far LESS effective in
attracting people who sign up for a
freebie or actually buy something from
me later.  

That’s why I asked my friend and
Pinterest mentor, Monica from Pin
Practical , her opinion on why we
should be excited about using Pinterest
to grow our businesses and sales:  

# 2 – Type of Audience 

Simply put, your audience may not be on
one of the platforms you’ve been
putting your efforts into in large
enough numbers to make it worth your

Pinterest is a visually appealing
platform where people come and search
for solutions to their problems. 

That means they’re also far more likely to
BUY the solution they find.

And because Pinterest is all about
ideas, solutions and inspiration,
Forbes detailed that “ 80% of pinners
buy something they like or want within
3 weeks of pinning”. (* amazing *) 

And Facebook? It’s where people go to
socialize and engage with their friends
(or in 2020, start arguments with
others, it seems). 

But, there are a lot of people using Facebook,
even if they’re not really looking to
buy something. 

to be continued

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