Why quizzes



Cindy Bidar:there’s one type of lead magnet that
nails everything on that list, and
that’s a quiz.

Here’s why: 
Subscribers must consume it.

They can’t download it and let it collect virtual
dust, because there’s nothing to download. 

Quizzes are fast. Even your most
distracted visitor can spare the 60
seconds (or less) it will take them to
answer a handful of questions. 

Quizzes let you easily personalize your
product recommendations. No more “one
size fits all” upsells.

Now you can
make the right offer at the right time.
I don’t know about you, but I’m excited
to add this powerhouse list-builder to
my site, and I know just the person to
help me figure it out. 

Cindy Bidar’s Money-Making Quiz Funnels
course is going to walk you through all
the steps (and usher you past the
stumbling blocks) of setting up your
first quiz funnel. 


You’ll learn:
The three best quiz types to try, and
which one is right for your business. 

The tools to use to create
lead-generating quizzes your visitors
will love. 

The right way to craft your quiz
questions to ensure your subscribers
get plenty of value while YOU get
information you can use. 

How to create more income (not to
mention loyal customers) by offering
exactly what your new subscriber needs
right now. 

There’s a reason quizzes are the
hottest trend in list-building in a

They work. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to
add quizzes to your list-building

(Use promo code QUIZ to save $80 at
checkout, through Sunday only.

Your link to the sales page:


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