Internet Marketing – Key words and phrases to skyrocket your sales! -4
Garry Desmarais (Canada) Why do some ads motivate you to immediately punch your credit card numbers into your computer, while others transport you directly to dreamland? It’s the copy, of course! Great copy picks up the reader, motivates them to action and inspires purchases. More Sales = More Profit. More Profit = More Money. More Money = More…
Internet Marketing – Something for nothing!
A friend was approached for accounting advice. She was busy, offered my services and quoted a modest, hourly rate, which the client accepted. It involved ‘millions of US$’. I reviewed the client’s analysis, identified that there was a concern about that analysis, which I would identify on a paid (fee as quoted) basis. Did the…
Internet Marketing – You need these to be successful online! – 2
Matt Garrett (UK) 4. Persistence (or “bloody minded stubbornness” as my mother calls it) Things will not always go right, you will stumble and fall along the way, we all do, even with the best education, mistakes still happen, it’s part of being human, the point is we can learn from our mistakes, pick ourselves up…
Internet Marketing – Key words and phrases to skyrocket your sales! -3
Garry Desmarais (Canada) Why do some ads motivate you to immediately punch your credit card numbers into your computer, while others transport you directly to dreamland? It’s the copy, of course! Great copy picks up the reader, motivates them to action and inspires purchases. More Sales = More Profit. More Profit = More Money. More Money = More…
Internet Marketing – Today is THE day!
Be an action-taker TODAY! MyUnfairAdvantage is LIVE This is your best opportunity to jump into IM. If you have been reading my letters, you know that you will need help to build your IM business. Omar Martin will help you. Thousands of people have already jumped on this and with good reason! Omar and his wife Melinda…
Internet Marketing – What if everything you NEEDED was GONE tomorrow?
What if you had the everything you needed to build a successful online business that could earn you over 5 figures per month, right in the palm of your hand… And then, POOF… It was all GONE! That’s exactly what could happen tomorrow if you don’t grab this incredible deal while you still can. (+…
Internet Marketing – MyUnfairAdvantage is LIVE – Go Go GO!
A “once in a Lifetime” weekend special offer just went LIVE! 12 Noon EST on Nov 24th (if you are early, set an alarm!) As a limited time Black Friday weekend blowout (3 days only!), (+ See my bonuses (!!!) below) Omar & Melinda Martin have opened the doors to their ALL NEW and improved flagship…
Internet Marketing – My unfair advantage! -1 – LIVE webinar tonight!
Omar Martin at his best! The Face of JVZoo marketing. Former paramedic, then homeless, now worth $10 million + due to IM. Something VERY BIG (the kind of thing that can completely change your online marketing efforts) will be going live tomorrow. In fact, there is a LIVE webinar tonight (Thursday)at 9pm EST with a free sample of…
Internet Marketing – You need these to be successful online! – 1
Matt Garrett (UK) 1. PMA – “Positive Mental Attitude” If you have a negative attitude to being successful, then you’re going to end up sabotaging your own efforts. Likewise if you listen to others with a “that will never work” attitude, then they will have a negative influence on your efforts, so don’t do it. Instead…
Internet Marketing – Key words and phrases to skyrocket your sales! -2
Garry Desmarais (Canada) Why do some ads motivate you to immediately punch your credit card numbers into your computer, while others transport you directly to dreamland? It’s the copy, of course! Great copy picks up the reader, motivates them to action and inspires purchases. More Sales = More Profit. More Profit = More Money. More Money = More…