Cindy Bidar week closes SUNDAY

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Cindy Bidar week closes SUNDAY:

The Tools You Need to Be More Visible

Here’s what you’ll find inside:
Unique Selling Proposition Workbook.
That elusive USP. We’ve all got one,
and getting crystal clear about it is
critical to being visible.

The only trouble is, when we’re already
self-conscious about the whole “putting
myself out there” thing, identifying
what makes us unique is even harder.

Grab some coffee and your favorite pen
and spend a few minutes with this
workbook, and in the end, you’ll have
clarity on all 7 elements that make up
YOUR uniqueness, so you can confidently
share it with the world.

Shift Your Mindset and Release Your
Inner Extrovert Workbook. Sometimes all
it takes to get out of your own way is
to create a little detour.

In this workbook, you’ll discover 8 ways to
change your thinking just a tiny bit to
give yourself a big boost of

Link Building Opportunities Checklist.
Being visible online doesn’t always
mean getting on camera or even tooting
your own horn at all. In fact, one of
the best visibility tools you can use
is links on other websites. In this
checklist, you’ll find 8 types of links
you can easily acquire, where to find
them, and how to make it happen.

Link Request Email Templates.

Cold outreach for a backlink is a lot less
intimidating (not to mention loads
faster) when you have a cut-and-paste
template to work from.

Add these four
scripts as templates to your favorite
email client and you’ll be able to fire
off a quick request so fast you won’t
have time to overthink it.

Guest Blog Planning Worksheet. What
makes a guest post irresistible?
They’re tailored specifically for the
blog they’re posted on. This 7-step
worksheet will guide you in creating
the perfect pitch regardless of your

Guest Blog Pitch Email Scripts. Don’t
know what to write? Worried about
sounding too needy or unprofessional or
just plain weird? Copy and paste from
one of four done-for-you email
templates and get your pitch sent out
in record time. And again, don’t be
afraid to hand this one off to a team

He or she will have everything
they need to make you look good!
Round Up Post Planning Worksheet.

What if you could create a link-worthy
resource, get it shared by influencers
in your market, and not have to write a
word of it?

That’s what round up posts
are all about. Use this worksheet to
find your idea, ask the right question,
and identify your guest experts.
Round Up Post Invitation Email Scripts.

Asking for contributions from guest
experts is easy with these
copy-and-paste templates, including
initial outreach, follow up, and post
publication emails. 

Speaker One Sheet Checklist.

You don’t
have to be a speaker to make use of
this powerful visibility tool. This
detailed checklist will help you create
a speaker one sheet to share with
podcast hosts and others to quickly
introduce yourself and your brand, and
let them know why you’re a perfect fit
for their podcast or event stage.

Develop Your Talking Points Worksheet.
One surefire way to boost your
confidence is to know exactly what you
love talking about.

Not only will you
feel better about reaching out to
podcast hosts and others, but you’ll
instantly know when an opportunity is
the right fit… and when it’s not.
Interview Request Email Scripts.

Landing podcast interviews is easier
than ever, but actually reaching out to
busy podcasters hoping to get on their
calendar? Still hard. Use these email
scripts together with your USP
worksheet to create interview offers
that get noticed.

Other Use Email Scripts. As business
owners, we have to put ourselves out
there every day in different ways. That
might mean approaching someone to host
a webinar, join your affiliate program,
speak to your membership, participate
in a giveaway, or any number of other
events. These email scripts are just
what you need whenever a new
opportunity pops up.

Leverage Your Links Checklist. Why go
to all the trouble of building links
and getting seen online if you’re not
going to do anything with those shout
outs? This checklist covers the most
important ways to leverage your efforts
into even more visibility. 

Guest Appearance Trello Database
Template. Make it easy for you or your
team to drop names by setting up and
maintaining a guest appearances

Start with the done-for-you
Trello board, and before you know it,
you’ll have a wide variety of “as seen
ons” to pull from the next time you
need a little social proof.

Google Alerts Checklist. Finding
opportunities to speak, guest post, and
request links and mentions can be a
full-time job. You can either pay a
team member, or you can let Google do
the heavy lifting for you. This
checklist shows you how.

HARO Opportunities Checklist. One of
the easiest ways to get noticed is to
get mentioned, and Help a Reporter Out
is the perfect tool… if you know how
to use it. This checklist will help you
get registered, find great
opportunities, and respond in a way
that appeals to even the biggest
publishers online.

Visibility Outreach Tracker. All
efforts are more successful when you
keep track of your actions. This simple
tracker lets you see who you’ve
contacted, who could use a follow up,
and which activities are paying off.
Round Up Post Tracker.

Writing a round
up post is easy. After all, you don’t
have to write it at all! But keeping
track of your experts?

That’s a job.
Use this tracker to make life easier so
you can focus on leveraging those
assets for greater visibility instead.
Here are the details you need:
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