Internet Marketing – A book in the hand?

Publishing physical books as a marketing tool
The mail arrives and there is a ‘FREE’
gift of a book for you from an
IM expert that is top of the Amazon
It is beautifully presented, with a personal
letter from the expert.
You forget that you paid $8 or $16 postage for it,
skim through the book, possibly reading
a few pages. Then, it goes on
your bookshelf with your collection.
This provides personal contact with the
expert in a way that ebooks,
and even webinars, cannot do.
It overcomes the issue that most IM
contact is impersonal through the computer.
The book will be 80-100 pages long, as
the US audience is unable to read
more than 120 pages.
The expert has written most of it, but
has employed a leading
editor to ensure a quality product.
This is where the true cost is:
the expert’s time.
Honest experts like Dean Holland,
who runs Internet Profits
will be frank as to how late
the book is.
Dean is probably the leading IM
businessman in the UK and one of the
top sellers, well into the $millions.
Click here
iPro is the Gold Standard for Done for
You’ services.
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here
Dean’s book is part of his system’s
upgrade for partners, rather than a
vanity publication, but it was the element
that ran late.
The experts have written many ebooks
and are all able to write these quickly
and on time.
In contrast, physical books seem to
take them much, much longer.
Maybe, the focus on them personally,
rather than the top-selling
Simple Traffic Solutions, by my mentor,
John Thornhill 
(check it out on
just click one of the buttons)
demands more introspection
and review.
So what are the advantages of doing
1. Personal satisfaction of producing
your own physical book
and using your IM skills to make it top
of an Amazon list.
2. Creating a personal marketing tool
for each reader individually,

that stands out in a crowded market
3. Bringing more prospects to your list
and introducing them
into your sales funnels
, which probably
makes the exercise profitable
depending on how much you
value the expert’s time.
4. Lots of personal promotion and
confirmation that the expert
really is recognized
nationally/internationally for his/her
It is confirmation, as you will have to
be an expert to have the time
and budget to do this. If you are not
yet recognized, you are unlikely
to make the investment yet.
1.  The time of the author. This is the
most expensive factor and repeatedly
underestimated. ‘It was a good book,
but I wanted it to be a GREAT book, so
I rewrote it.’
2. The production and marketing costs.
3. The book will become out of date, as
IM is fast moving.
4. It will appeal less to those outside
your country
, as the postage
contribution will be higher,
In summary, this is a luxury marketing
tool, effective but costly
Those of us with smaller budgets
need to meet the objectives as best
we can, at an acceptable cost.
To be continued……

From yesterday, if you missed it:

View John Thornhill, my mentor ‘s FREE
webinar here:
This will help YOU understand IM and to
build a business you control!
You can view his 4 FREE videos, one
every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.


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