Internet Marketing – Beautiful Photos That Won’t Get You Sued!

Brighten up your day with these super photos:
You’ve probably heard the saying, “A
picture is with a thousand words.” 

The value of images can be marked in
the way it increases or decreases your
traffic and conversion rates, the
retention kept by your audience and the
way customers remember your brand. 

Check out these interesting stats that
are being shared on the web:

90% of the information sent to the
brain is through our vision.

The brain processes images up to 60,000 times faster than text.

People respond better to visual
information than plain text.

Think about the last time you read an
article.  Didn’t the photos pull you in
and make you want to continue reading.

Photos are more important than ever in
your online marketing plan.

Savvy online marketers are using photos
everywhere, on social media, in
infographics, on their own sites, on

The problem is where to find great
quality photos that you can use.

Photos that you can be sure won’t get
you sued.
That’s right use the wrong photo, and
you can be sued up to $150,000!

Today I’m excited to share with you
someone who has the ability and
credentials to offer you high-quality

Toni Nelson is an award-winning
Photographer, Videographer and online

Having worked with people
from all over the world Toni has a
private photography vault full of
gorgeous one of a kind photos.

With a lot of coaxing Toni has opened
up her private photography vault and is
offering you access at an insane price.

Announcing PhotographersPIc
If anyone knows about using visuals in
marketing, it’s Toni.

She wants to equip you with
everything you need to be a visual
marketing super star which is why she’s
also giving you inspirational quotes
that you can place on the images.

People love photo quotes and now you
will be in the perfect position to
create unique one of a kind images that
can drive traffic back to your site. 

Forget searching the web for photos.  

Stop wasting time looking for quotes to
place on images to capture the
attention of your ideal audience.

Never worry about paying high ticket
prices for just one photo to use in
your blog posts.

Gain access to photos your competition
doesn’t even know exist!

Head on over and check out her offer
today before it’s too late:

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