Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-4

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. All are at HALF PRICE BUT
each deal is available only for 24 hours!

After midnight Eastern (US time),on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

October 9: Opt-In Funnel Follow Ups
(email templates)- Sale price $18.50

When someone opts in to your mailing
list, what do you send them? I’m always
a little disappointed when I subscribe
to a list, and the very first email I
receive is no more than a couple of
lines and a “hey, here’s your link.”
And then… crickets. Nothing. No
further contact except the occasional
email blast.

It’s frustrating to me, as the

subscriber, because I want to know more
about them and what they have to offer.
I’m actively looking for additional
emails from them, and when that doesn’t
happen, I’m left wondering if they’ve
given up on the project or maybe even
gone out of business.

A simple follow-up sequence would make
all the difference. I’d be able to find
out more about the business owner, I’d
know if they had a Facebook group or
other community to join, and most
importantly, I’d know more about the
products they sell and if they’re right
for me.

If your follow-up sequence is looking a
little bare–maybe because you just
don’t know what to write, or you
haven’t had time, or you’re worried
about being too pushy–I have a copy &
paste solution for you.

This bundle of done-for-you email
templates makes it super easy for you
to build better relationships with your
subscribers and make more money on the
back end, too. All you have to do is
fill in the blanks to match your
business and offers. So easy!

Here’s all the done-for-you email
templates inside:
•    The “Thank You for Downloading”
Email: Show your appreciation for your
new subscriber by offering your genuine
thanks… and by sharing exactly what
he or she needs next for even more
•    The “Get to Know Me” Email: A little
transparency and a personal story or
two will go a long way toward building
that oh-so-important “know, like, and
trust” factor that encourages people to
buy. This email makes it easy for you
to share your story.
•    The “Grab This While You Still Can”
Email: Limited-time offers reward
action takers, and this email ensures
they won’t miss out. As a welcome
email, it’s a top performer that
converts well. 
•    The “Consumption” Email: The last
thing you want is for your freebie to
sit on a virtual shelf collecting
digital dust. Encourage your
subscribers to read and take action
with this enticing email. 
•    The “Make an Offer” Email: It’s
really ok to send a straight-up sales
email, but if you’re feeling stuck or
intimidated about that, this email
template makes it easy to copy, paste,
and profit.  
•    The “Tell Me About You” Email: Want
to know exactly what your ideal client
wants and needs most from you? Just
ask. This email template offers up an
easy format and provides a great option
for making money on your survey, too.  
•    The “Free Resources” Email: Show some
love for your subscribers while moving
them one step closer to paying you when
you share more free resources. Choose
the best option for delivery (I’ve
included two options with pros and cons
for you) and just follow the email
template for great results.  
•    The “Last Chance Reminder” Email:
Great offers don’t last forever, so
take this opportunity to remind your
subscribers that they’re about to miss
out. This email is compelling without
being pushy, and is designed to get
your subscribers off the fence and onto
your “buyers” list. 
•    The “Downsell” Email: Just because
they didn’t take advantage of your
offer doesn’t mean they’ll never buy.
Use this email to offer a “downsell”
product that may be a better fit.  
Go here to get this one before it’s
gone forever.


October 10: Email Marketing Momentum
(video training) – Sale price $18.50
Do you ever look back on things you did
(or didn’t do) and wonder what the heck
you were thinking? Yes. Me too.

Like building a mailing list. I waited
way too long to do that. 

Here’s what I know now:
The minute you put your first offer
online, publish your first blog post,
or claim your first social media
account in the name of your business,
you should have already have a way for
people to subscribe to your list.

And no, it does not matter if your
business is online or off, if you sell
digital products or physical goods, if
you are a coach or a consultant or a

Every business can benefit
from having an email list.

Here’s a quick case study if you need
some added incentives:

Like a lot of service providers, my
friend Cindy Bidar didn’t focus on
list-building for the first few years
she was in business, nor did she keep
in regular contact with the tiny list
she did have. (Sound familiar?)

When she revamped her business model in
early 2018 and dropped most of her
clients in favor of course creation,
that tiny list wasn’t even paying for
the email service provider she was
using. Horror!

One thing she focused on right away was
to create resources that would attract
her ideal client so she could grow her

Fast forward to today.
•    Her mailing list has grown by 1600%.
•    She earns enough from her email list
every single month to pay for its
upkeep for the next several years. In
September of this year, that email list
(and she’ll tell you it’s not a huge
list) earned just over $8,000 in
•    She is fully in touch with her
audience. She knows exactly what they
struggle with, what confuses them, and
how she can help. In other words, she
never has to ask, “What should I
email/blog about/create next?”

I think any small business owner would
love to have those kinds of results. Do
you agree? But you won’t get there just
by adding names and emails to a list.
You also have to build those

That’s what Email Marketing Momentum is
all about, and TODAY ONLY, you can get
it for just $18.50 (no coupon

Here’s what you’ll learn
•    How to organize your email calendar
so you always know what you want to
share (this eliminates a ton of wasted,
“starting at a blank screen” time while
trying to figure out what to mail
•    How to continually improve your
promotions and funnels to maximize your
profits (this takes about 5 minutes a
day, but the value you’ll get from it
is priceless).
•    How you can easily repurpose email
content so you’re not always writing
new stuff. <– This is a HUGE
•    How to evaluate the resources you
share so you offer the highest value to
your subscribers.

This one is super
important to me and I’m glad she
included it. I know that you trust my
opinion, and that means about 90% of
the things that come across my desk
never make their way into my emails.

Cindy shares her process for this
inside Email Marketing Momentum. 

•    Go here to get this one before it’s
gone forever. It’s just $18.50 today,
but tomorrow it won’t be available

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