Internet Marketing – Cindy’s list …..-9

Cindy Bidar (US) is retiring all of her
existing courses and checklists. All are at

each deal is available only for24 hours!
After midnight Eastern (US time),

on the dates specified, 
the price will revert back to the
regular price.

I hope that you can find a bargain, or two! 

  • October 15: Member Sites Made Easy (checklists) – Sale price $13.50
  • The life of a small business owner
  • sounds great doesn’t it? Your commute
  • takes just seconds, every day is casual
  • Friday, and you get to decide who you
  • want to work with (and who you don’t).
  • And mostly it is pretty awesome.
  • But there’s also the fact that for most
  • of us, when we stop working, the money
  • stops coming in. That’s the
  • not-so-amazing side of small business
  • ownership.
  • There’s a few ways to fix that, suchas:
  • Selling products instead of time. This
  • is the fastest path to breaking the
  • dollars for hours cycle, and it allows
  • you to serve a larger audience as well.
  • Setting up some “passive” income
  • streams. And by passive, I’m talking
  • about things like affiliate commissions
  • earned from blog posts, product sales
  • made through automated funnels, and
  • income earned through pay-per-click
  • ads. This takes longer to build, but
  • the rewards can be amazing.
  • Hiring a team of subcontractors. This
  • is especially appealing to freelancers
  • and service providers. Instead of doing
  • all the work yourself, you pass it onto your team.

  • You both get paid, andyou spend less time working. At least
  • in theory. 🙂
  • One of the very best options though, is membership sites. They’re a beautiful combo of products and passive income,because they include a recurring payment element that helps to smooth out the cash flow even when you’re not working.
  • Cindy Bidar has worked with dozens of clients to build their memberships, and she’s created and grown my own, and now she’s packaged up everything she knows about starting, promoting, and managing a member site in one bundle.
  • It includes tools to help you decide what type of membership to start, what software to use, and what content to share. Plus, she added email templates to onboard new members, ideas for keeping engagement (and retention)high, and a setup checklist to ensure you don’t miss anything.
  • If you’ve been thinking about starting a member site – or if you already have one and you want to improve it – then be sure to snap this package up today,because until midnight tonight, it’s 50% off. After that, it’s gone forever.
    Go here to get Member Sites Made Easyfor just $13.50 (no promo coderequired).


October 16: Win Back Your Audience
(templates & training guide) – Sale
price $18.50
Can we talk about email engagement for
a minute?

I’m seeing some online entrepreneurs
who are stressing over low open rates
and threatening to abandon email all
together in favor of social media.

Oh, dear!
I have to tell you, that is NOT the way
to go. When it comes to marketing your
business, email is still the very best
value for your dollar. Social is fun,
and maybe even useful for lead
generation, but all the action happens
on email.

So let’s talk about engagement rates
then. Maybe your numbers have been
better. Maybe your list is growing but
your conversions aren’t keeping pace.

Maybe you’re wondering why you’re
paying for a list of 10,000 when the
same 1,500 people are the only ones you
seem to reach.

I hear you, and that’s why I’m excited
to share this with you today. 

Cindy Bidar’s Win Back Your Audience:
How to Boost Your Open Rates, Engage
Your Subscribers, and Better Automate
Your Email List Management
is a
collection of guides and templates to
help you re-build and re-engage your
email audience, starting from the
moment of opt-in, and continuing right
through until a contact unsubscribes. 

Even better – it’s 50% off today only.
She’s included tips and strategies for
every phase to help you keep those open
rates high, and she’s laid it all out
in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step

The Getting Started Guide gives you the
foundation you need to build better
relationships right from the start, by
showing you how you can:
•    Get your email out of the dreaded
“promotions” tab and into the primary
inbox every time.
•    Steal a trick from television writers
to keep your open and engagement rates
•    Grab the attention of subscribers who
haven’t opened an email in weeks or
even months.
•    And much more.
Inside the Email Templates guide,
you’ll find a variety of
fill-in-the-blank emails you can send
to inactive subscribers, each designed
to get the click, including:
•    The “One-click survey” template: No
time for form filling? How about a
single click? This email gives readers
a chance to share their thoughts
quickly, and can give you valuable
insight into your audience’s
preferences as well as giving you a
powerful segmentation tool you can use
to deliver the exact right offer at the
right time.
•    The “Here’s what you’re missing”
template: We’re all distracted, and
that goes for your email subscribers as
well. Give them a recap of what they’ve
been missing and they’ll be more likely
to open future emails.
•    The “We want you back” template: You
have the resources your audience needs
to succeed. Use this email template to
send a killer freebie, and get them
back on your engaged list quickly.
•    The “Free gift for you” template: Use
this email template together with the
email marketing ninja tactic from the
getting started guide and bring back
distracted subscribers before they’re
gone for good.

In the Automation Guide, you’ll
•    How to use tags and goals to know
exactly which subscribers are fully
engaged, and who is beginning to lose
•    How to automate removing inactive
subscribers so you never have to do a
manual list purge again.
•    One clever strategy that can get your
emails back in the inbox when nothing
else has worked.

I know you’ll agree when I say that
your email list is your most important
asset. Treat them well by giving them
exactly what they want and need, create
real conversations and interaction, and
pay attention to those engagement
rates, and your list will reward you
with better profits.

Win Back Your Audience: How to Boost
Your Open Rates, Engage Your
Subscribers, and Better Automate Your
Email List Management
is the system you
need to make that happen. 
Go here to get it for only $18.50, but
act fast! This special offer goes away
forever at midnight (Eastern) tonight.

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