Internet Marketing – Happy New Year from Moscow!

New Year Greetings:

Effective Strategies to Increase Sales
of Products with
Private Label Rights (PLR) – 2

You can produce your own products, but
many legally
sell other people’s products as their own.

The ‘other people’ earn extra income,
knowing that 
99% of customers will never use the
rights they have bought(too busy doing other things!).

Many IM products are sold with PLR. 

These are (generally) rights to resell
the product
you have bought, or been given,
as your own.

You must check the
specific conditions,
but there may be many options for you
to sell, change and even licence the product.

If you have created the product, or
bought a licence, the rights are yours to use.

Aaron Danker: 

Want to offer private label rights to
your products
for additional revenue?

Here are powerful ways to increase it’s perceived value!


When most people think of promoting
private label products, what comes
to mind is usually basic information
that’s not particularly interesting or

But there’s a lot more to
than just the basics in this report.

You should be able to find several
indispensable strategies about
promoting private label products in the
following paragraphs.

If there’s at
least one strategy you didn’t know
before, imagine the difference it might

6. The “Fly By Night” Strategy
The “ghostwriters could take your money
and run” strategy tells your
prospects that if they put an upfront
deposit down for a project, a
ghostwriter could end up not finishing
the work.

Most people would feel
safer getting all their private label
content right after they pay.

7. The “With Out Work” Strategy

The “sell the private label rights for
commission” strategy tells your
prospects that they could gain the
rights to sell your private label
by just signing up to your affiliate

It’s also a great way for them
to make their money back from buying
your private label content.

8. The “Won’t Find It Anywhere”

The “100% original private label
content” strategy tells your prospects
that they won’t find your private label
content in products that you, or
others, have sold in the past.

It would be a good idea to mention ways
they can easily keep the content
original from your other new customers.

9. The “Follow The Money” Strategy

The “create your own autoresponder
messages” strategy tells your
prospects that they can use your
private label product to create their
own follow up e-mail course.

Many marketers
know they can increase sales by
including a test ad or two in each

10. The “E-zine” Strategy

The “publish your own newsletter”
strategy tells your prospects that they
can use the content from your private
label product for their e-mail

Most marketers know one of
the best ways to get people to
purchase is to build a relationship
To be continued….

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