Internet Marketing (‘IM’) Sales Funnels

The key to making large amounts of
money in IM is to make large amounts of

Selling $10 books, even receiving 100%
of the profit, is only the first step
towards a substantial income.

The difference between the major IM players
and the others is that the major
players create sales funnels.

The sales funnel is the process of
offering increased value to buyers
through a sequence of
products/services, each increasing in

It is a funnel, as the number of
products sold at each price-level

For example, the first step of the
funnel might be a free report in
exchange for your name and email.

When you download the free report, you
are taken to a sales page for a book @

If 1,000 readers had downloaded
the free report, maybe only 200 will
buy the book.

The buyer is then offered a video on
the topic for $49.99, or $69.99 with an
audio version.

Maybe only 10 are buying these,

but the profit per sale is 4-6 times greater.
The next offer to the 10 buyers is a
training course on the topic for $999.

Only 1 is sold, but the profit, even
for an affiliate commission of 50%, is
a multiple. If more are sold….

Simply, the ‘high ticket’ items at the
end of the funnel make the big money.

There can be more than one item.

The lower-priced items in the funnel build
up the ‘know, like and trust’ factor
between buyer and seller (and make

A good funnel can multiply the value
offered to the buyer and multiply

A ‘newbie’ can organize a funnel with
other people’s products and services,
as few have their own products ready to

There is a discussion of multiple sales
funnels in the video linked below:

I mentioned Omar and Melinda Martin’s
excellent course of 4 2-hour webinars
and recommended that you will learn a
lot about IM just from the promotional
video (no commitment to buy):

The price will increase later today
(and bonuses will be removed) as the
campaign ends.

So enjoy Omar’s informative
presentation before
it has gone

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