Internet Marketing – Know, like and trust! – 4

An autoresponder stores your
lists of names and
email addresses of your readers.
There are 3 mechanisms
to use to send messages
to your lists from your
The first is to send a message
immediately: a ‘broadcast’.
The second is to
delay your broadcast
to a time and date
that you decide.
I use this feature to send
my broadcasts at the
same time every day, even if
I write them earlier,
so that you will receive
them at approximately
the same time every day.
Each day, a few of my emails
and are rejected. If 3 emails are
bounced to the same person in
seven days, the
unsubscribes them.
If you do not receive
my email, please whitelist me
on your email.

The email will appear on my blog

soon after the email has been sent.
‘Legacy follow up series’ is the third
option. I use this for new subscribers.
Here, you can set up a string of
messages to your list,
or part of your list.
Each message is set up at a
specific time after the
previous message.  The first
message is sent when
somebody joins the list.
Other introductory messages
are sent daily, for 3 days, to help
catch up with current emails.
Omar Martin’s IM Clinic identifies
multiple strategies using
follow-up emails, depending
whether the reader is a prospect,
buyer of low-price items,
higher-price items and so on.
Follow-up emails are quoted
as allowing you to
fully automate your business.
‘Set up a series of emails and the
autoresponder will do the rest’.
For short periods, this is true. I can
set up my daily email and be at
my day job at the time
I set it for delivery.
Using sequences for longer periods
needs skill and experience
of experts, such as Omar.
Sequences need
evergreen products,
though they can be edited for
new launches and other offers.
Broadcasts can keep readers
up to date with
launches, bonuses, discounts,
which may end in a few days.
Also, they allow me to see the
response to each email to guide
me towards topics and
products of interest to you.
To be continued
From yesterday, if you missed it:
I have assembled a $1,750 bonus
package for you if you buy 
Michael Cheney ‘s 7-Figure Franchise 
Jump start your IM business with the
complete works of
a leading UK internet marketer
with a global reputation:
This is the best compilation of his
work and the only external course
material John Thornhill endorses on
his excellent Partnership To Success
program (on which I am privileged
to be a student).
It will make you serious money.
Check it out here: 7-Figure Franchise
Click here:
Please have a look at my bonuses,
which I have sourced to complement
Michael’s top product.
He gives you all his tools that support
his $million IM business.
You can use them to kickstart and
build you business, even if you are
just starting. Full training is given.
7-Figure Franchise + my bonuses
Click here:
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):
and sign up NOW!
My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
John Thornhill, my mentor, is
letting me give you access
to his special invite-only
FREE online workshop in
which he reveals how you can
make $275+ per day with his
PROVEN 3 Step Success
Blueprint that took him
from zero to
over $5,000,000 in revenue!
Book here:
I wish you great success in your
business! This is where you start!
(Tell your friends!)
View John Thornhill’s
4 FREE videos, one every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  
John Thornhill’s
Product Creation Workshop
Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
of products from nothing over
eight one-hour videos .
It complements his longer one-year
course, adding more than enough
value for me to buy both courses
It is currently at 90% discount.
All mentors will tell you to start a
blog, even Dean Holland said that writing a
blog turned his business (and finances)
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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