Internet Marketing – less than the price of a Gourmet Pizza!! – 5

Offline Webinar Formula 2.0
Six Module Course with 25-Video Lessons

Anthony Flatt:

What if you don’t have to have
thousands of people on your Webinar? 

What if you didn’t have to have your
potential customer sitting there, the
entire Webinar with their arms crossed
just waiting for you to try to sell
them something? 

What if you didn’t have to feel like a
slimy sales weasel trying to pitch and
re-pitch them at the end of the webinar
with your last chance power close
trying to get as many sales as you can
because it’s your only shot at making
any money. 

What if you didn’t have to do any of
those things and were able to build a
strong six figure income doing sold-out
webinar after sold-out webinar. 

That is absolutely possible because
that is what I do. It is absolutely
possible to do webinars with hundreds
of prequalified buyers on your webinar.

Not only that, but those buyers are
emailing you, asking you to make sure
that you notify them about your next
webinar because they see that much
value in what you’re doing. 

There IS a way to sell to these
customers without those slimy sales
tactics, without the value stacking,
rehashing of benefits, and other little
pyscho tricks that the customers have
grown to hate. 

There IS a way to get these customers
to know, like, and trust you and buy
from you again and again and again. 

There IS such a thing as the Ultimate
Guide To Profitable Webinars, and it’s
my Offline Webinar Formula 2.0. 

I developed the Offline Webinar Formula
2.0 from over 20 years experience
conducting corporate webinars and live

My Offline Webinar Formula is
written in plain English so anyone can
understand it and start using it

No Mumbo jumbo, no
corporate legal ease.

I’m completely
confident that if you conduct webinars
according to my methods, it will boost
your sales. 

If you’re brand new to online
marketing, let me show you the step by
step way I do webinars that will all
but guarantee the success of your

To be continued….

Click here and see for yourself:

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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