Internet Marketing – Monster Markets!

This week, I have been researching
Many people start an online business
selling goods on Amazon and/or on Ebay.
Ebay was where John Thornhill started.
His Product Creation Workshop
Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
of products from nothing over
eight one-hour videos .
It complements his longer one-year
course, adding more than enough
value for me to buy both courses.
It is currently at 90% discount.
As I am based in Moscow, and Amazon
has a limited service here, I have not
been tempted to buy and sell on these
two giants of physical goods.
Some software attracted me to sell
Amazon products as an agent. To do
this, you set up an electronic shop, or
many of them, promoting Amazon goods.
You do not hold inventory: you sell,
Amazon delivers and
pays you an agent’s commission.
I was persuaded by the excellent
product, plus superb bonuses to
review a market I had neglected.
The commissions are 4-6%, but there
is a part of Amazon where you
can earn 15% on luxury goods. 
The idea is to set up once and let the
commissions come in continuously.
As the shops have minimal set-up cost,
this is a low-cost route to passive
income, though even the software
promoters warn that earnings
will be modest.
I explored it to see whether producing
many sites quickly and easily would scale up
How to compete with Amazon itself? The
main method that I found was to be well
placed in Google searches,
but there may be others.
What has stopped me going any further
is Amazon’s payment methods
to affiliates.
I looked at the US market as it is the
The payment choice for foreigners is
either check/cheque or gift voucher.
I was assuming PayPal would be
an option, but Amazon site says no.
I have no use for US bank cheques here:
it is a primitive system compared to
electronic transfers that we have.
There is no mechanism for cheques.
If you are outside the US, the
costs of collecting money from a
US bank cheque (‘clearing’ it) is
very high.
Gift vouchers are no use until Amazon
has a full operation here.
If I can find a solution, I will 
experiment more and
keep you informed.
From yesterday, if you missed it:
Jump start your IM business with the
complete works of
a leading UK internet marketer
with a global reputation:
Michael Cheney’s
7-Figure Franchise is the best
compilation of his work and the only
external course material John
endorses on his excellent
Partnership To Success
program (on which I am privileged to be
a student).
It will make you serious money.
(I have bought it and used it!)
Check it out here: 7-Figure Franchise
Click here:
Silvia at IFRSbox.
If you are in finance and not on her
FREE list (WHY NOT?):
Click the link above and sign up NOW!
All mentors will tell you to start a
blog, even Dean Holland said that writing a
blog turned his business (and finances)
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here:
While you still have the day job, I suggest 
that you decide whether your site will
be for IM, or for your day job.
When you have gained confidence with
the first one, download a second
View John Thornhill, my mentor ‘s
FREE webinar
CLICK here:
This will help YOU understand IM and to
build a profitable business you control!
You can view his 4 FREE videos, one
every two days,
by signing into my pop-up @  
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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