Internet Marketing – On the road to Value Pricing

Warm greetings from Russia’s Easter celebrations!
The Value Pricing System

Three years ago, one of my former
students was working at a top Moscow
lawyer firm.

The firm wanted to produce more legal
articles in English for potential clients.

They wanted the English to be of
native-speaker standard.

I was asked to organise translations
and proofreading and did so with my
interpreter, Olga, whom I have known,

and worked with, for 15 years.

The work has come in from time to time,
whilst Olga has continued her
translation job
and I have continued teaching. 

I have just featured in a promotional
video – in the middle of the page:

Lacking relevant contacts, we had just
the first client, until one of its staff
joined a new law firm and brought us
some work.

I needed a lawyer to do some work for
me in the UK and found one in Moscow.
I sent him a note promoting our
translation/proofreading service.
Interested, he asked how much we
charged an hour
for translations.

Olga charges for each symbol, for
example, the number of letters and spaces.

This number is found in the statistics
section in word.
She does not charge an hourly rate.

Olga asked me how to reply to

‘how much we charged an hour?’

We ignored the question and explained
our system.

We identified that our
client can calculate our price before
even sending us any work and
can confirm the price on receipt.

Charging by the hour would leave
the client with a risk that the
translator was slow and charged more. 

We met the client this week. He said
how much he liked our pricing system. 

He had a document on his laptop,

and we priced it in one minute.
He was very impressed.

I believe it will
help us win business.

So, this is not a full, value pricing
system. Mark might consider it
a fixed-price system, rather than

value pricing. I do not care.We can improve it later.
It has confirmed that HOW you price can
have a major impact on 
winning business and on your client relationship.

If you need native-English
, or Russian translations,
please let me know at

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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