Internet Marketing – The Darker Side of IM -1

I have a friend in Central Europe who
has been making a modest living from
selling IM courses for more than 10
She provides monthly free content
to her readers and sells courses.
Her readers, in about 100 countries,
love her.
Many of them cannot afford courses,
but she patiently answers all their
She has an excellent record of
satisfaction of the courses she sells.
A minority cheat and steal from her
by buying her course, then asking
for a refund just before her
guarantee expires.
They keep the course as it is
electronic, a disadvantage over the
sale of physical goods, which would
need to be returned.
Also, courses can be copied, unless
the vendor installs some expensive
software to stop this.
Upsetting as this certainly is, not
earning money from your sale, much
worse was when she found a buyer was
reselling her course, without reference
to her.
Michael Cheney told me that pirated
copies of some of his courses have
appeared within 24 hours of their
release. His lawyers spring into action
to deal with this.
His courses are excellent value for
money and fully supported.
(Any pirate copy is NOT supported.)
Click here:

comprises Michael’s complete emails,
with a licence to copy and paste them.
My mentor, John Thornhill, reports
making more than $80,000
year just from copying and pasting
Michaels’ emails.
Commissionology is a complete budget
version of the same material included
in Michael Cheney’s 7 Figure Franchise.
7-Figure Franchise with Michael Cheney
Click here:
Tomorrow, we will consider the IM
responses and safeguards.
From yesterday, if you missed it:
You and your friends can use this
as often as you like!
Over 53% of ALL emails are now opened
on mobile device
s, so
if your emails
are not optimized for mobile devices,
then you’re
missing out BIG TIME and at risk!
WordWrap is a wonderfully simple FREE
tool that allows you to wrap your text
so that your emails can be viewed on
mobile devices correctly.
Simply enter your long, unformatted
text in the field and click on the
‘Word-Wrap My Text’ button to get
perfectly formatted text for your
If you would like your very own
BRANDABLE version of this tool, with
YOUR OWN affiliate links and adverts,
then check out the BRANDABLE version.
Get Your Own Brandable Version of
on the page:
You and your friends can use this FREE
as often as you like!
This is a
John Thornhill and Dave Nicholson
product, so you know it is excellent!
They have kindly agreed that I can
let you use it FREE.
Check this email you are reading.
The main text uses 
The notes at the end do not use
Omar Martin’s IM Clinic
In the Clinic, Omar agrees that this
issue is serious, discusses it at length,
claiming that
more than 70% of emails are
opened on Mobiles.
You will learn a lot about IM just
from the promotional
video (no commitment to buy):
(Each evening has been at least
4 hours’ of top content!)
Check it out here:

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