Internet Marketing – Think on your feet! – 4

Thinking on your feet may seem spur

of the moment, but it is actually
something you can prepare for.
Here’s how.


Whether it’s an unexpected question or
a decision that needs to be made
quickly, it’s easy to be caught off
guard in the moment only to think of
the perfect answer later.

Thinking on
your feet takes mental agility, and
it’s possible to prepare for those
moments when you need to think fast.

Here are some ways to get better at
thinking on your feet:


You’ll never be able to predict every
possible question, so stop trying.

“Many speakers spend their limited prep
time trying to think of the worst
questions that can be asked,” he says.

“This is important, but not as
important as focusing on your key

Prepare by knowing your takeaways and
stories for each.

“If so, you can
conquer any tough question by
acknowledging it, answering it briefly
or explaining why you don’t have the
answer, and then bridging to what you
want to discuss with a powerful story.”

For example, say, “That’s an
interesting question, and it’s one I’ll
have to think about further, but I’ll
share my opinion on the broader topic
of your question.

And, let me tell you
about a story that caused me to reach
that opinion,” he says.

Your talking points are your security
blanket, adds Reeves. “Not only are
they the points you want to make; they
are the places you want to go when you
get an unexpected question,” he says.

“In many instances, it’s relatively
easy to pivot from their unexpected
question to your priority answer.

It’s all about being on the hunt for ways to
bridge from their unexpected questions
to your answer islands.”

While it’s important to be able to
think on your feet, don’t make
decisions based on the “tyranny of the
instant,” says Peter Arvai.

“In a world where social media demands
us to act quickly and often
emotionally–it also leads us to
frustration and polarization,” he says.

“[It’s] driving us all to make poor
decisions. It’s best to let reason

Be clear on your long-term strategy and
goals. “Spend time thinking ahead about
what you want and how you went to get
there,” says Arvai.

“With clarity of
where you’re headed long term–and doing
the hard work in advance–you can make
the right decisions when you need
to–quickly and easily.”

John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success
Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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