Internet Marketing – Truth About These 5 Affiliate Marketing Myths – 1

Truth About These 5 Affiliate Marketing Myths
David Perdew

With so many misconceptions about
affiliate marketing, business people of
all types are missing the gold…

Bad information keeps many people from
making money online.

People give a half-hearted effort to
one form of marketing, get disappointed
that it didn’t work, and then cry out
to the world that it no longer works…

How many times have you seen one of
these headlines:

“Email Marketing Is Dead!”

“SEO No Longer Works Thanks to Google…”

“Content Marketing Has Lost Its Luster…”

Or the big one:
“Affiliate Marketing Is For Scammers!” 

When something is proclaimed dead or
not working any longer, it’s probably
because someone was gaming the system
and the system owners plugged the hole.

Ethical marketing always works in the
long run.

That’s why Affiliate Marketing has
worked for decades and will continue to
work for the non-scammers of the world.

But the headlines persist, and the
myths and misconceptions flourish.

To be continued…..
Sincerely, Robin

In case you missed this,

it is still very much alive:

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Please make time to view this

free webinar from my mentor,

John Thornhill:

Product Creation Workshop

Please make time to watch this!

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