Internet Marketing –Which FB profile is yours? -5

Dear {!firstname_fix},
Researchers claim to have found the
four types of Facebook user – and say
most of us fit into one of the
The research team identified four
categories of Facebook users.
They say that for users, knowing what
category they fall into could actually
be good for users, and ‘raise self
Window shoppers
Like town criers, they feel a
sense of social obligation to be
on Facebook but
rarely post personal information.
Unlike town criers, these users,
said study co-author Clark Callahan,
‘want to see what
other people are doing.
‘It’s the social-media
equivalent of people watching.’
Window shoppers identified
with such statements as
‘I can freely look at the Facebook
profile of someone I have a crush
 on and know their
interests and relationship status.’
Facebook users may identify to some
degree with more than one category

Boyle noted that most people have at
least some selfie tendencies, for
But users typically identify more with
one than others.
‘Everybody we’ve talked to will say,
‘I’m part of this and part of this, but
I’m mostly this,” said Robinson, who
calls himself a relationship builder.
‘Social media is so ingrained in
everything we do right now,’ Boyle
To be continued
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Thank you.

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