Internet Marketing –Worst video ever?

E.Brian Rose  (‘EBR’) is a co-owner of
the global distributor of IM products.
He set up a webinar with a guest speaker.
This allowed the guest to promote his
services relating to social media.
His guest has been in IM since 1999, so
we were set for a trouble-free webinar.
Then, promoting his product, the guest was
asked for his “proof” screenshots, to
identify how much money his products
have been making.
This is standard procedure
for such presentations and the proofs
should be recent.
The guest first seemed not to understand
what was required, then reluctantly provided
a meaningless graph. EBR continued to
pursue the issue.
The friendly image of IM was being
challenged by a leading IM expert.
Was he right to confront his guest?
Even EBR seemed to have doubts and
wrote to me:
Worst Video Ever – Was I too harsh?
I am embarrassed for what happened
in today’s webinar.
A few minutes into the presentation,
I started to challenge the methods
the presenter was teaching.  
I also noticed his
“proof” screenshots were
from years ago, so I challenged
him on whether or not
his methods worked at all in this day
and age.
Three of our exchanges lasted five minutes.
Please let me know
if you think I was too harsh.
I look forward to your comments.
My answer:
Dear EBR,
Your name is on the webinar
– you run it as you choose.
You made it clear that the
question was on behalf of
your audience.
It was not his webinar, he was your guest.
His mask dropped and
it was not a pretty (audio) sight.
As a lecturer/trainer
(as I have been for years),
you have to answer
every question,
even if you promise
a reply after the session:
‘Thank you EBR, good point!
I will email this
to all attendees within half an hour,
at the end of the webinar.’
1. He should have known.
    I do with 1 year’s experience.
2. He should have discussed the
   main outline with you. It is your show.
3. Live presentations: always be
   ready for the unexpected question
(keeps the adrenalin going and
   you are never afraid of the interaction.
I have lectured in Central Banks
(CB) of 4 countries.
If I had given a reply to the
CB orgainser (or any attendee)
as he did,
I would not be invited back.
Would I spend $1,500
on a course if I thought that
any of my questions
(however stupid) would not
be answered?
No chance.
(LinkedIn has been blocked in
Russia since November 2016,
so I could not use this course
profitably now.)’
Are webinars about to
become a battle field?
I do not think so.
If you run your own webinar,
you can do what you like.
If somebody has an issue,
they can write it
in the chatbox.
You can promise to answer
it later.
if you are a guest, then you 
meet the host’s standard.
My ‘written’ guest post
‘Scams and Limited Markets’ 
(see below)
was reviewed and approved
by John Thornhill,
before publication.
You want the host’s
endorsement to boost
your business.
The guest had stressed his
experience and expertise and,
most importantly,
he had claimed
how profitable his system has
This needed to be matched
by the proofs.
The audience all knew EBR and
attended due to his promotion.
Arguing and denying EBR’s
request was stupid in front
of EBR’s invitees.
I have seen many mistakes
and technical problems in
webinars. Global webinars
will have problems, like
global TV news.
I learn from them
and plan to avoid them.
I know that some will happen
to me.
They tell you about the skills
of the presenter and how
they will meet challenges
if you decide to work with them.
EBR’s guest was the first time
I heard a presenter consider
himself more important than
his audience, represented by
From yesterday, in case you missed it
Devon Brown runs the Web Copy Cat
‘done-for-you’ service that you can
join for $1, though you have to
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Here is a page of information
about John Thornhill’s
invite-only webinar.
Please read it, click here:
Dean Holland
This free video gives you the chance to
learn from the master.
Click here
Omar Martin is one of the best
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Enjoy this FREE video of
Omar Martin’s many sales
Omar’s IM Clinic
View John Thornhill’s
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by signing into my pop-up @  
John Thornhill’s
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Click here:

is a recording of the complete building
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It is currently at 90% discount.
I have assembled a $1,750 bonus
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Jump start your IM business with the
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My guest post on 3 top IM blogs: 

Scams and Limited Markets

John Thornhill, Dave Nicholson and 
Michael Cheney:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
Thank you.

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