Internet Marketing – Your superwebsite gift download details here!

I want to give you with a free website
NOW, so that you can participate actively in
our IM journey:
Download it here (right now!, or later
if you wish)
Your website: you no longer have to
worry about editing complicated HTML
code as we have taken care of that for
you, and you no longer have to worry
about anything to do with website
design as we have taken care of that
for you too.
Adding your own personalized details is
as easy as clicking your mouse, and
integration of multiple affiliate
programs is all done for you too!
I hope that you will enjoy it and earn
money from it.
The following notes are for your
information. The website is yours
(free) regardless of whether you use
any of these services. 
Domain name and hosting
If you need to buy a domain name for
your new site (www…..)
so that people can find it. Your name
plus .com is the Gold standard.
If this has gone, then find an
easy-to-remember alternative.
I was too late to buy .com sites that I
wanted, so bought .site
(which were cheaper). You can check
availability on D9’s site.
You may also need hosting, where your
site lives. This can be changed.
I had to change mine (earlier note on
my blog) which was traumatic
doing it without technical knowledge.
I use and recommend D9 for both domain
name and hosting:
John Thornhill and Omar Martin both use
The provider of your free website is
John Thornhill, my mentor.
He has launched Digital Profit Master
showing you how to create the perfect
information products:
Please ask your friends to sign up for
this letter at
If you have enjoyed this letter, please
help me find some more interested
readers. Thank you.
Until next time, enjoy your website!
(I have sent this information earlier
and am repeating it to ensure that you
do not miss out!)

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