Internet Selling For Newbies
Omar Martin:
In 2007, we started an online business
and struggled to make money, but we
finally mastered the process to make
consistent income each and every month. 

The secret recipe was right in front of
my face the whole time! 

It took me 18 months to stop being the
marketED and become the marketER.   

I was working real hard to become great
at internet marketing, but the thing

Marketing Is One Thing And SELLING Is
Something Else

Sales is what makes you
money and I had to learn that the hard way.

There are lots good people out there
doing all the right “marketing” stuff
but STILL struggling to make money,
struggling to make sales.

We’ve now used that same EXACT sales
process to make millions of dollars
online by selling digital products on

Some of our products have sold
$661,360.68 in total revenue this year
alone… Read more:

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