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Persuade Customers To Buy Your Backend-4

Aaron Danker:

If you
want to make more money with your
business, one good place to start is on
your order forms.

Think about it…You
have a prospect with a credit card
already in their hand. They’re in a
buying mood.

So there’s a good chance
that if you put a related offer in
front of them (the proverbial, “you
want fries with that?”), they’ll take

And that means you’ll make more
money with every customer who walks
through your door.

So how do you create
a backend or upsell offer that gets
your prospects clicking the “Yes”
button? Like this…

4. Frame The Price

The next thing for
you to remember is that you’ve already
sold your prospect on purchasing the
main offer.

They’ve already agreed to
whatever price you’re charging.

So when
you extend the upsell offer, you’ll
want to frame the price so that it
focuses on the upsell only.

Let me give
you an example…Let’s suppose you’re
selling a home study course for$99,
with an upsell offer for $25 for an

When it comes time to ask for the
order, do NOT do this: “Would you like
to add this offer to your order for a
total of $125 for the course and

Suddenly that sounds like a lot.

The prospect is going to start
second-guessing their purchase.

And you could lose the entire sale!

focus on the upsell price only: “Would
you like to add this app to your order
for just $24 more

Ahhhh… that’s better.

That sounds doable. And since
the prospect is already planning on
spending $99, that extra $24 doesn’t
sound like any big deal.

It’s all in how
you frame it. 

To be continued…

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