Of course, membership sites are big, hairy monsters to build and manage


from Cindy Bidar:

Of course, membership sites are big,
hairy monsters to build and manage, and
(to hear some people tell it) they’re
just not worth all the trouble. 

Cindy Bidar tells a different story. 

She’s been running her popular
Six-Figure Systems membership for three
years now, and it continues to grow
month after month.

With nearly 500 current members,
it sets her up for
stress-free finances every month, and
she’s perfected a system to keep it
running with ease. 

There’s no big team of contractors to
manage (unless you want even more time
freedom, which is totally do-able). 

There’s no tech headaches to deal with
(thanks to choosing smart, well
maintained systems right from the

And she’s not working 100 hours each
week to get it all done either. 

This week, Cindy’s pulling back the
curtain and revealing exactly how she
built and continues to grow her
membership with a brand new course,

Membership Site Mastery: Plan, Build,
and Grow an Online Membership.

Read it all here:
Sale ends September 12. 

Sales page: 

Coupon: Promo code MEMBERSONLY saves
63% when used before Sunday night
September 12

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