Internet Marketing – Don’t forget to back up your computer too! -2
Protecting your site is critcal, as we have discussed. But what about your computer? Two days ago, I switched on my (other) computer. Windows did not open and just flashes at me. Timur, my saviour and technical wizard, has managed to save most (possibly, all) of my data, and the computer is working. There has been a ‘hard…
Internet Marketing – Mobile-friendly messages!
WORDWRAP Use mine free as often as you want! http://robinjoyce.site/word-wrap/ Over 53% of ALL emails are now opened on mobile devices, so if your emails are not optimized for mobile devices, then you’re missing out BIG TIME and at risk! WordWrap is a wonderfully-simple FREE tool that allows you to wrap your text so that…
Internet Marketing – Don’t forget to back up your computer too!
Protecting your site is critcal, as we have discussed. But what about your computer. Today, I switched on my (other) computer. Windows will not open and just flashes at me. I have a mass of material on it, which I have planned (but not executed!) to back up. I hope it will just be a…
Internet Marketing – Simple Tips to make your WordPress sites more secure – 5
Noel Cunningham (Ireland): Each of these will only take a few minutes to do but will make a BIG difference to how secure your WordPress Installation is. 5 – Back Up Your Sites Although Backing Up your Websites will not stop you from being hacked it can make the process of putting your sites back…
Internet Marketing – Simple Tips to make your WordPress sites more secure – 4
Noel Cunningham (Ireland): Each of these will only take a few minutes to do but will make a BIG difference to how secure your WordPress Installation is. 4 – Limit WP Login Attempts If you search around in the WordPress Plugin Directory, you will find a number of different plugins that will stop Brute Force…
Internet Marketing – Viking PLR -Insane Deal But Act NOW! 4
LAST CHANCE! ACT NOW! VIDEO / AUDIOS / WORD Docs / VIDEO SLIDES / EMAIL FOLLOW UPS / GRAPHICS – all included Look at the sales page – click here: https://jvz7.com/c/593801/287516 PLR provides you with products that you can sell as your own. You can keep 100% of the profit! The most impressive PLR package…
Internet Marketing – Viking PLR -Insane Deal But Act Fast! 3
PLR provides you with products that you can sell as your own. You can keep 100% of the profit! The most impressive PLR package that really is good quality for the most insanely low price that we’ve ever seen! This all costs $8, or 20% less if you buy the offer expires. I bought it…
Internet Marketing – Viking PLR -Insane Deal But Act Fast! 2
PLR provides you with products that you can sell as your own. You can keep 100% of the profit! These are just SOME of the free bonuses: Fast action bonuses #1 + #2 is PLR Master Class Volumes 1 + 2. An awesome curriculum on getting started with your PLR materials. Fast Action Bonus #3:…
Internet Marketing – Viking PLR – 1
PLR provides you with products that you can sell as your own. You can keep 100% of the profit! PLR RIGHTS EXPLAINED: Firstly, you can give them away as lead magnets in return for an opt-in. You can do this individually or you can combine the whole package into one extremely lucrative lead magnet. Secondly, you…
Internet Marketing – Simple Tips to make your WordPress sites more secure – 3
Noel Cunningham (Ireland): Each of these will only take a few minutes to do but will make a BIG difference to how secure your WordPress Installation is. 3 – Use a Strong Password A lot of people fall into the trap of using easy to remember passwords for their websites and email accounts. This is the…