Internet Marketing –Know, Like and Trust makes money!
Friend of a friend, Russian young lady lives in Florida (US). She has been running a site in Russian for 15 years. She has built up a list of 3-4,000 readers to whom she sends videos 2-3 times a week. From this, she makes $800 from sales each month. It is better than most hobbies…
Internet Marketing –Dropping out does not make you Steve Jobs!
Larry Kim (US):. Past generations might find today’s vision of the American dream unrecognizable. While the American dream was once composed of white picket fences and a comfortable home in the suburbs, today “making it” looks quite different. Many individuals would gladly sacrifice the 9–5 grind for a chance at becoming an entrepreneur, with the…
Internet Marketing – What does it take to truly go full-time online?
Sean Mize (US) Heart to heart here. What does it take to truly go full-time online? Let me brag for a second here: I’ve done it. There were 2 keys: 1) I created products people wanted to buy. They bought them. Then I created more products. They bought them. But that was only about 1/3 of the equation. My big breakthrough was my…
Internet Marketing – Scams and Limited Markets -7
What is a scam? -a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people; -a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit. It is a scam if NOBODY makes any money from it (except the fraudster). What is NOT a scam? If you do not profit, but other users do, it…
Internet Marketing – Simplify!
Andy Brocklehurst (UK): Sometimes the most powerful methods are the simplest. But because people seek the elusive (non-existent) “magic button” they ignore the basics and run around like headless chickens. I spoke to someone on FB Messenger the other day. He first contacted me a year ago asking what the big secret was and how…
Internet Marketing – Vision vs. Goals
Eric Holmlund (Sweden) A vision is the big picture of where you want to go; a goal is a specific milestone that helps you get closer to your vision. Important requirements for goals: 1) they should be specific (measurable) 2) they should be serious, but attainable 3) they should have a deadline For example: a…
Internet Marketing – Critical Google Update!
Ken Reno (US): Having SSL protection on your site is one of MAJOR RANKING FACTORS these days. Moreover, site load speed is major ranking factor in google also. Discover: 1. How to make your site secure for free https://clouddefender.co/v2/index.html?aid=4324 (SSL Certificates normally cost starting from 5 USD per year, and process of installing them is a…
Internet Marketing – Under attack!
Your every keystroke is recorded by more than 400 of the world’s most popular websites, including Spotify and Skype, to log your private data Experts found 482 of the top 50,000 websites use session replay scripts Hidden strings of data are used to record everything you do while visiting a page Data typed into forms…
Internet Marketing – Scams and Limited Markets -6
What is a scam? -a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people; -a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit. It is a scam if NOBODY makes any money from it (except the fraudster). What is NOT a scam? If you do not profit, but other users do, it…
Internet Marketing – Improve your sales!– 14
Proven Methods to Boost Your Sales Garry Desmarais (Canada): ‘If your sales are a little on the slow side, you need to polish your promotional skills and fire up the marketing machine. 27. Testimonials. Your customer’s opinions are worth gold, especially if they write them down. Include testimonials from satisfied customers in all of your promotional material.…