Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-10
Garry DesmaraisStep 10:Join all the JV launchgroups on Facebook. These groups don’t get a lot ofengagement. They are mostlypeople posting their launch details.Think of them like classified ads. Be sure to post about your launchin these groups.Be sure to list your launch onMuncheye,it’s a central hub foraffiliates (in the digital marketingspace).Put together a list of targetaffiliates…
Garry Desmarais Step 9:.How to release a paid digitalproduct that actually makes money… One of the fastest most effective waysto do that is to find people whoalready have a following in your niche. These are influencers. Generally they have big email lists ofpeople who listen to what they have tosay. It’s exactly what you are…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-8
Step 8:.How to release a paid digitalproduct that actually makes money…I hope you have been enjoying ourAcquiring and launching digitalAssets series this week. You know thisreally is one the fastest andbest ways to jump start any onlinebusiness. Doing a few digital product launcheswill boost your authority andbuild your buyers email list fasterthan almost anything. I…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=0&fldCard=3514256&path=105741&pmode=init If you are celebrating (we do from January 1st) or just enjoying being alive in such challenging times, thank you for your support. Enjoy the card through the link. Click on it to start! Sincerely, Robin
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-7
Garry Desmarais Step 7: Get your product listed on aplatform that will automate the salesprocess for you. I like to use JVZoo personally, but youcan also use WarriorPlus, CLickBank, orcountlessothers out there. These platforms willmake it easy to add a buy button toyour sales pageand also put you in a network wherepotential affiliates will see…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-6
Step 6: Once you have that downloadpage done We need to create a salespage. The easiest way to do that when you arenot a professional copywriter and don’thave money to hire one is to do this: Go find 5 sales pages that resonatewith you. Things that you have purchasedrecently, or things that are doing verywell…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-5
Step 5: Okay, now we have a product anda cover. The next part of packaging iscreating a download page. This is the page where people are goingto be sent when they buy your product. Make sure the downloadpage has the following: ? “Thanks for investing in thisproduct” Headline ? Introduction Video or message tellingthem thank…
Steps To Creating And Packaging Paid Products..-4
Garry Desmarais Step 4: Now that we have out actualcourse done, we need to package it. The first part of that is creating acover. If you don’t know how to createa cover for your product, it’s not a bad idea to go over tofiverr and just have someone do it foryou. Make sure it looks…
See how she earns six figures with tiny courses
https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=81 Cindy Bidar: Today is the last day to save 62% onCindy Bidar’s new training, Tiny CourseEmpire. Get it here before the timer runs out.If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, you’re going to want to rush over and have a look, because it just might change the way you run your…
Small = big profits
https://cindybidar.com/order/aff/go/profmoscow?i=81 Cindy Bidar:There’s a myth out there that if youwant to be successful selling onlinecourses, you have to go big. We’ve all seen the fanfare andexcitement that goes along withlaunching a $2,000 course. It’s allvery polished and sexy, so it must beprofitable, right? After all, big course + big launch =big profits. The sad truth…