Internet Marketing- Why You Should Grab Every Opportunity To Speak -2
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFL Do you want to win more business?Of course you do, everyone wants moreclients. Well, one of the most powerful ways ofdoing that is to run events. 3 Things You Must Do To Win ClientsThrough Speaking #1 – Have A GoalHave an objective that you want toachieve in that particular…
Internet Marketing- Why You Should Grab Every Opportunity To Speak -1
Mark Wickersham:The Value Pricing System https://www.wickersham.co.uk/a/6541/wWVxKzFLDo you want to win more business?Of course you do, everyone wants moreclients. Well, one of the most powerful ways ofdoing that is to run events. Why Should You Run Events? The minute you stand in front of anaudience, on a stage, straight away youare seen as being an expert.…
Internet Marketing-Let’s just say this is… a little different from what I’m used to.
Signature Series PLR, right here: https://jvz6.com/c/593801/343340 PLR – you can sell it as your own, keep 100% of the profits and a copy for you. This is just crazy. Your own “signature series” of courses… …with actual human on-screen presenters. Yes, you heard that right. Real, “talking-head” professionals presenting these courses on your behalf. It’s never been…
Internet Marketing-Ever wanted your own “master class” caliber courses?
Happy Easter to all celebrating today in Russia! What is the ULTIMATE critical,must-have asset for building a crediblepersonal brand? I’m talking a personal brand withauthority. Where people see yourwebsite or blog and realize, “wow, thisguy/gal knows their stuff. I’m gonnakeep reading”. What’s the ONE critical thing that doesthat? A long time ago,…
Internet Marketing-They can’t be serious. This isn’t PLR… is it?
PLR – from Steven Alvey Products you are licensed to sell as your own and keep a copy for yourself! https://jvz6.com/c/593801/343340 I was sure this would be pricey. Thought it would be super expensive. But, guess again. This is something you do NOT want to miss. Go have a look at the gorgeous, yetneutral Signature Series…
Internet Marketing-Comes the hour, comes the man!
Captain Tom Moore (99 years young!) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8224693/Captain-Tom-Moore-finishes-100th-lap-garden-raising-12million.htmlFor his 100th Birthday, he decided totry and do 100 laps of his garden with the aid of his walking frame, and wasHOPING to raise £1000 for the UK’s NHS (National Health Service) As of this morning – his total raisedstands at over £14 Million – Yes – OVER 14 million pounds!(17million Dollars!) Here’s what he…
Internet Marketing-Professional on-screen presenters. In PLR. (yes, really).
PLR – from Steven AlveyProducts you are licensed to sell as your own. https://jvz6.com/c/593801/343340 You’ve seen PLR. Right? Usually slide shows, maybe some screenrecording videos? Sometimes good, sometimes not so good? But QUESTION: What if there was a line of PLR thathas actual human, on-screenpresenters?! Yes, an actual professional “talkinghead” presenting the courses on YOURbehalf! I…
Internet Marketing-Surely this must be expensive. Right?
Dear {!firstname_fix}, KEEP SAFE AND WELL!PLR – from Steven Alvey Products you are licensed to sell as your own. https://jvz6.com/c/593801/343340 I had a hard time believing this was PLR at first. I’ve never seen it done quite like this… And I can’t believe how much they’re giving away, for almost nothing…Go have a look at the…
Internet Marketing-Famous Marketers Love This PLR…
PLR – from Steven Alvey Products you are licensed to sell as your own. https://jvz6.com/c/593801/343340 Famous Marketers Love This PLR…“…setting a new standard for privatelabel material. …they have puttogether something incredible!” Omar Martin “…expertly developed, high qualityprivate label products that we’llactually be proud to offer to ourreaders!” Randy Smith The Most Advanced, Highest ProductionValue PLR Ever…
Internet Marketing-Happy Easter/Palm Sunday Enjoy your day!
Happy Easter if you are celebrating!Happy Palm Sunday for my Russian readers!For all my other loyal readers: Enjoy your day!Chrome suggestion:Click the 3 vertical dots on the right of your browser Under ‘Settings’: On startup Open the New Tab page Continue where you left off Open a specific page or set of pagesChoose this option…