Internet Marketing – Winning clients – be systematic! -2
Mark Wickersham (UK): Referrals don’t just happen – you need a system Also, signing a client up is not a one-off transaction. It’s about creating a relationship. You might be doing their accounts every month for many, many years. That’s why finding a great accountant or bookkeeper is such a big thing. Obviously your new client wouldn’t…
Internet Marketing – Winning clients – be systematic! -1
Mark Wickersham (UK): Referrals don’t just happen – you need a system As regular readers of my blog will know, I’m a great believer that referrals are one of the best ways you can find to grow your accounting or bookkeeping firm. However, you can’t just sit back and expect them to happen. It’s vital…
Internet Marketing – Have You Joined the Success Upgrade Club?
You’ll want to click on this link right away, https://membershipcommand.com/sales/su/n8gisdw/silverfree.html Success Upgrade because I’ve secured a special backdoor access to the site for FREE. I can’t promise this offer will last long, so get in now at no cost while you still can. Once you become a member, you’ll be blown away but what you’ll…
Internet Marketing – Here’s what successful people do differently…
Ever notice how so people make it look so easy to start a business?It’s like everything they touch turns to gold. You’d swear they just don’t have the same troubles as everyone else. Let me share with you a little secret… Even the most successful people on the planet have had their share of obstacles.…
Internet Marketing – LinkedIn the hard way ! -2
Dear {!firstname_fix}, Foreigners who need a Russian accounting firm. This was my first use of LinkedIn. It came to an end (unless you know of somebody we can help) when LinkedIn was blocked for almost 2 years in Russia. During that period, 80% of the Russian-based expatriots left the country. The oil price fell, the Rouble…
Internet Marketing – LinkedIn the hard way ! -1
LinkedIn was my first experience of social media. I had set up my profile and left it, Then, a Russian friend asked me to find foreigners who needed a Russian accouniing firm. (I am still looking for clients, if you know anybody needing accounting in Russia.) I had no budget to buy advertisements. I started making…
Internet Marketing – Are YOU at risk of being scammed? – 2
Are YOU at risk of being scammed? Expert reveals the tricks used by online fraudsters that can fool even the most tech-savvy – and the nine steps you need to protect yourself https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6426309/Are-smart-fall-online-scam.html Setting a passcode to lock your phone is crucial to ensure your data is protected in case your device is stolen or…
Internet Marketing – Are YOU at risk of being scammed? – 1
Are YOU at risk of being scammed? Expert reveals the tricks used by online fraudsters that can fool even the most tech-savvy – and the nine steps you need to protect yourself • EXCLUSIVE: Cyber security expert has revealed top tips for avoiding scams • Automated Push Payment scams are among the hardest to spot…
Internet Marketing – 10 Chrome Extensions That Are Amazingly Useful!
I hope that you find one, or more, of these extensions useful. Firefox has some similar. (Google Translate is the most useful to me.) Two short YouTube videos: 10 Chrome Extensions That Are Amazingly Useful! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAWIo6Y4FoE These are 10 cool Chrome extensions that many of you may find to be amazingly useful for you. These…
Internet Marketing – The best way to a profitable business?
Product Profits Club https://membershipcommand.com/sales/ppc/n8gisdw/silverfree.html John Thornhill (UK): Let’s not beat around the bush… One of the keys to a profitable business is to have multiple products to sell to your customers. That’s because it’s easier to sell more products to your existing customers, than it is to run out and find new customers. Think about…