smack you in the face tricks andtechniques that will increase yourbottom line

Stolen Webinar (I’ve got mine!)

‘Give me 45 Minutes of your time and

I Will Teach You the Same 7 Steps To
Professional Selling’

Andie Brocklehurst: 

A few days ago I mentioned Randy
Smith’s ‘Stolen Webinar’… 

Several of you who have already picked
it up have taken the time to write and
thank me for putting you onto this, and
yet I know there’s some of you who
either haven’t looked, or who did but
passed it by – big mistake! 

This is gold because: 

1) Randy is currently selling access to
this for less than $15. (Not for long!) 

2) It’s only 45 minutes long. But
that’s 45 minutes of really solid,
smack you in the face tricks and
techniques that will increase your
bottom line whether you’re a seasoned
entrepreneur or a total newbie.

I honestly don’t think you could invest
45 minutes of your day any better than

3) It also comes with transcripts.

I actually recommend that you play the
webinar and read along with a copy of
the transcript and scribble notes as
you go. If after that you don’t KNOW
new ways to increase your profits – you
must be deaf and blind! 

4) If you don’t think this is every bit
as good as Randy or I say, you can get
every penny of the few bucks you
shelled out returned NO QUESTIONS

That’s right! Randy is so
confident that you will love this and
feel that it’s a massive value, and
that if you apply these simple steps,
you will make more (or some if you’ve
yet to make a dime) money online as a
result, that if for


you don’t… Email him and

he will refund your money

with no quibble, and no questions asked.
Now do you see what a mistake it is not
to go grab this?
 Here are his 7 steps to selling:

The price is a ‘dime sale’ andrises 

after every sale.Run to it now for the best price!

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