Step 3: Now pick your best idea

Garry Desmarais:

Steps to Creating and Packaging Paid Products…
Step 3: Now pick your best idea that
shows the most promise and map out a
product around that idea.

You need to come up
with a name for this product.

Make it sound cool.

This product can be a written special
report in the form of a PDF file or it
can be a simple video presentation.

Either way
it needs a few things:

–>Introduction – Introduce yourself
and tell a little about yo–>Overview –

Speak about the course and what you are
going to be going over

–>Main Training (modules or steps) –

This is where you put that step by step
actionable content

–>Wrapping Up – This is where you
conclude the course and summarize it.

Also be sure to give them a way to
contact you in case they have any

–>Recommended Resources – This is
where you can put links to other
resources that might
help them. It’s an excellent place to
pitch your blog, other courses, or your
social media profiles.

To be continued..

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