The Freelancing Freedom Plan -last chance!

Cindy Bidar:
I’m hosting my October retirement sale.
Each day for 12 days I’m discounting
some of my most popular courses and
toolkits. At the end of each day,
they’re going into the membership vault
and will no longer be available on the site.

October 13: The Freelancing Freedom Plan

Help your audience leverage their time
by creating training and products
related to the services they offer.

It’s perfect for booked out freelancers
who want to scale without the agency
If you’ve ever considered creating a
digital course or other asset, then
heads up, because this one is just for

My colleague and
freelancer-turned-online-educator Cindy
Bidar just released a brand new
training, and it’s a must-have for any
service provider or virtual assistant
who’s looking for more leverage. 

The Freelancing Freedom Plan is all
about giving you the tools and
strategies you need to take what you
currently DO for your clients, and turn
it into valuable training and other
resources you can sell 1:many instead
of 1:1. How cool is that? 

Imagine simply sharing what you’ve
learned along the way, and getting paid
not just once, but over and over and
over again.

I’m telling you, digital
courses and products are the key to
business growth, and they are not just
for other people.

You are in a perfect position to start
creating these in-demand resources,
because you’ve got the hands-on

Cindy is the perfect person to teach
this course, too, and here’s why: She
started off her online career as a
freelancer, writing content and copy
for other business owners.

She then transitioned to marketing and
operations management as a virtual

Finally, two years ago,
someone convinced her to teach what she
knows, and now her courses and
membership provide about 90% of her

In the Freelancing Freedom Plan, she’s
giving you the exact steps to follow
her path and grow your business, too!

Here’s what’s included: 
•    5 multimedia lessons. Each audio or
video lesson is around 20 minutes, so
you don’t have to devote hours of your
precious time before you get to the
action steps–and believe me, this is
all action and no fluff!

•    5 printable worksheets and cheat
sheets to walk you through each
decision and process. You’re never left
with any lingering questions or

•    7 printable checklists to ensure you
never miss a critical step along the
way, from deciding on your topic to
promoting your finished product to your

•    A complete, done-for-you project
planning Trello board to help keep
everything organized.

•    Plus, you’ll be invited to join
Cindy’s private forum, where you can
ask questions about any of her
trainings and get feedback from her and
other students just like you!

Go here to sign up today

I know you have valuable knowledge to
share with the world, and I can’t wait
to see what you create!

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