Wanna know how to get in front of 335+ MILLION people per month? -5

Christine Parma:
Did you know that, on average, people
are buying and spending more money on
Pinterest than any other platform? 

Almost twice as much as Facebook. 

I have personally spent over $ 10K on
ads on both platforms, and can say that
the Facebook ads (managed by a $ 5K /
month FB ads expert) have been far MORE
expensive and far LESS effective in
attracting people who sign up for a
freebie or actually buy something from
me later. 

#4 –  Detailed Targeting

Facebook digs so deep into the lives of
their users, it’s almost impossible for
Pinterest to match the type of detailed
targeting Facebook is capable of.

You’ll notice if you’ve used both
platforms for paid advertising,

Pinterest has only a fraction of the
targeting options that Facebook does.
However, people come to Pinterest with
a problem and they are searching for a

This means cold traffic can
convert better than Facebook cold
traffic IF you are solving the right
problem for the right person on

to be continued

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